
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Friday's Favs….Peach Blueberry Cobbler


We had company over for dinner last night.

The weather was "iffy" so we ended up eating indoors instead of outside, but enjoyed our grilled steaks nonetheless.

The side dishes were fresh corn on the cob and a spinach salad with chunks of pear, sprinkled with feta cheese, topped with candied walnuts and dressed with balsamic vinaigrette.

I made some homemade bread as well, and had enough left to send home with the guests.

Dessert was the Hub's grandmother's homemade cobbler recipe.


Unfortunately, the Hubs is having to be more careful about what he eats, so I made some sugar free frozen yogurt for his dessert.

For the guests, I served some of the frozen yogurt on top of the warm cobbler.

I thought the slight tartness of the frozen yogurt with the sweetness of the cobbler was yummy!


The table was set "fancy/casual", a little mix of both.



Grandma's cobbler is one of those easy go-to recipes that can be made with many different fruits or berries.


Here's the recipe:

1/2 cup butter

1 cup sugar

2 cups all-purpose flour

4 teaspoons baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup of milk

choice of fruit

Cream butter and sugar.

Sift dry ingredients together and add to creamed mixture.

Add milk and mix lightly until all combined.

Pour into greased 9x13 pan.

Spoon desired fruit over batter.

Over all pour 1 cup of juice from the fruit or water.

Sprinkle with sugar to taste.

(depending on the fruit used you can also sprinkle with some cinnamon, which I do when using peaches)

Bake at 375 degrees for 45-50 minutes.

This made enough for our guests to take some home with them, (so I won't eat all of the leftovers!)

Well, it's almost Friday!



have a BLESSED weekend!


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  1. I'm making the cobbler on Saturday. When I started reading I just started praying, please let there be a recipe, please let there be a recipe, please let there be a recipe. And there it was. :)

  2. that looks so delicious!! we love blueberries, so i think i know what we'll be making this weekend!! Love your table setting as well (lovin' the butter dish!)
    Have a great weekend!
    Karla & Karrie

  3. I just pinned your table. Upon doing so, I realized how many times I have pinned things that you do using that box. Clearly, I love it.

    I pinned the recipe too. I guess I'm just an Elizabeth groupie today.

  4. I just made peach cobbler for my former boss's birthday. Yummy.

  5. Pretty, pretty table and a yummy cobbler! It just says summer!

  6. mmm, yummy! Your table is beautiful! Thank you for the sweet comments on my blog!

  7. Your meal sounds delicious! The cobbler is truly beautiful, it's making my mouth water as I type! I SO wish my husband liked peaches, because that combination is so good! Thanks for sharing!!

  8. That cobbler looks so yummy and perfect for summer! That salad sounds pretty good too and the bread, of course...I love bread. Hope you have a good weekend :)

  9. oh yum! that really looks delicious!


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