
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Homemade Burrito Bowls...

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I love Chipotle burrito bowls!

I like that you get to choose exactly what you have on it, enabling you to select healthy options.

I love that they now have brown rice as a healthy alternative to white.

Twice now, I have recreated my own version of burrito bowls, and they have been a big hit.

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The first time I made them, I sautéed chunks of boneless chicken breast with some onions and red and yellow peppers, sprinkling it with some grill seasoning, garlic powder and chili powder for flavor.

We loved it!

This time I popped 6 boneless chicken breasts in the crock pot and sprinkled them with a package of taco season and topped it all with about 1 1/2 to 2 cups Pace Picante sauce, (medium heat), and let that simmer away on high for awhile, then turned it to low and let it go all day long. It shreds up beautifully after cooking low and slow, and this will make enough for lots of meal options for the Hubs and I this week.

It's delicious in the burrito bowls too!

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About an hour before dinner time I cooked some brown rice in chicken broth, to which I added the juice and zest of one lime, and a bunch of cilantro which was finely chopped, a little drizzle of olive oil and a pinch of salt.

(This is my version of Chipotle's cilantro lime rice.)

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I serve the bowls with some rice and chicken, and then offer various toppings buffet style.

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I like mine with some black beans and a little corn.

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Some fresh crisp lettuce, juicy red tomato, and chunks of creamy avocado go on next.

The finishing touch is a dollop of non-fat Greek yogurt in place of sour cream.

Other topping options would be cheese, sliced olives, sliced green onions, pico de gallo and maybe some chopped jalapeño!

This is an easy, healthy, delicious summer meal!

Still following,



  1. That looks delicious and healthy! I love all the colors! I've never been to a Chipotle, but I've heard they're really good! I'm always up for some Mexican food!

  2. Thank you, my friend. You just helped me solve my dinner dilemma for tonight. Had several of these ingredients and wanted to do something 'new'! My sweetheart will love it! Looks like a winner!

  3. What a great way to eat healthily! (It kind of reminds me of "haystacks"--but in a burrito sort of way.) I will definitely try this

    Today I have 1 chicken breast, about a half cup of brown rice, tomato juice, a tomato, mushrooms, onion & zucchini in the crock pot. It will be dinner for my husband and I. I FREQUENTLY throw whatever I have into the pot. The flavors blend so beautifully.

  4. You are definitely speaking my language (hard for me to imagine life without lime and cilantro)! Will have to try something like this!!

  5. Yum sounds delicious! I really do like Mexican food so this sounds like something great to make to take to work!

  6. Looks yummy. I know Chipotle does good food and they are supposed to do organic, as well. Sadly, I didn't get to make the peach/blueberry cobbler this weekend. I know there are peaches in my freezer, I just couldn't find them.

  7. Man that just sounds fantastic. The pictures are doing the convincing and now I just have to have it.

  8. Hi Elizabeth,
    Your homemade Burrito bowls look wonderful.
    I'm going to try some of these dishes...thanks for sharing.
    Have a good week
    Barb from Australia

  9. This looks just perfect for around here. I can just feel my heart thanking me for finding it. I've pinned this. I think we'll let this inspire us for a Friday night dinner. (Won't have anyone else around the house until then.)

  10. wow that is easy and looks so yummy...thanks~

  11. Yummy!!! I am hosting a Giveaway to win a 50 dollar gift card to the store HomeGoods. It would be great if you stopped by and entered. Thanks Anu


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