
Monday, July 2, 2012

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again...


May I just say that my brain is really being stretched trying to blog on my new MacBook Pro.

I've been a Windows Live Writer fan for quite some time.

That program makes blogging easy.

So far, Ecto and MarsEdit blogging apps are both getting a trial run on my Mac.

Neither is as easy as Live Writer.


Notice my photos have no watermark?

All that was done in Live Writer before.

Neither of these apps let you watermark your photos.

Neither does iPhoto, which is the photo organizing/editing app I bought.

So, I'm going to have to edit and mark them in another program.


Other than blogging, everything else has been easy to adjust to on my Mac.

I hope to take some classes, but if any of you Mac bloggers out there have suggestions or advice, I'm all ears!

On another note, after 36 years of making homemade ice cream with the old ice and rock salt method,

we gave into modern technology.

Country Living Magazine had a 20 percent off coupon for Bed, Bath and Beyond this month!

So, we bought the Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker, just in time for me to make my homemade ice cream for our annual church picnic's homemade ice cream contest.

I made two kinds…black forest cake ice cream, (chocolate ice cream with pieces of cake and cherry in it), and chocolate with sea salt caramel.

I came in FIFTH.

The competition is fierce I tell you!

Anyway, the old fashioned ice cream maker we got for our wedding 36 years ago, was given a fresh coat of paint, some holes were drilled in the bottom for drainage, and now it's home to my basil plant.

Cute, huh?


Well, if things look "wonky" on my blog, just know I'm still trying out these new apps.

Yesterday's post was really spaced weird and I have no idea why.

Still following,



  1. I really need to get a laptop and I've been thinking of a mac...I wish they didn't cost so much though. Your homemade ice cream sounds delicious :)

  2. Love your 'old' ice cream freezer planter. It's perfect because of its history. Love the look of your basil plant. You might want to check out I'm taking photography classes online for twenty-five dollars a month. Good stuff. Check it out and type 'Mac' in the search box. There's a class for switching from Windows to Mac and much more. Just saying!


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