
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Maximum load... load.jpg

I can feel when we've both reached maximum capacity.

We get snarky, easily irritated, easily offended.

We're weary in well-doing.

Our shoulders are hunched from bearing the burdens of the people, their hurt, pain, brokenness, and yes, even disobedience.

Then there's the burden of our own frail humanity on top of that, the knowledge of our own inadequacies and mistakes, our own sinful nature.

We're just not enough, never enough.

Sometimes, I think about how life would be different not in the ministry.

Not knowing people's problems and issues.

Not feeling their pain.

Not bearing their burdens.

Not fearing that we're somehow failing them.

Just a normal, ordinary life, going to a job you can actually walk away from after eight hours.

Living wherever we wanted to live.

I choose the beach.

A life by the sea is where I escape to in my dreams, a life where it's just about us and not about others.


So, with no vacation in sight until after the new church building is complete, we run away for just a day.

We run away to the sea.


He always meet me there, by the sea.

I think He's especially fond of it too.


He always reminds me of His greatness there.

He reminds me that the burdens I bear for others aren't meant for me to carry.


The biggest one, the most burdensome, is the burden of us.

Our own failures and mistakes, our own inadequacies, our not enough-ness…

not smart enough, wise enough, loving enough, for this job He's given us to do.

Our weakness, I've got to cast that one onto His shoulders too.


There, walking by the sea, he reminds me of His greatness and His great ability to take care of it all.

On the car ride home we listen to old school Don Potter.

And this song reminds me that I'm a prisoner of love.

I'm reminded that I am bought with a price beyond compare and that my life is not my own.

I'm reminded that from the time I was a little girl I knew I was called for more than an ordinary nine to five life.

I was called to follow Him, no matter how rough the path may be.

I was called to live a laid down life, a life of love and service.

I choose yes, I say yes again.

On that car ride home, leaving the sea behind me, leaving my fantasy life behind me,

I say yes.

Still following,



  1. This is beautiful Elizabeth! I love the photos so much, too. :)

    Mindy @ New Equus

  2. Oh how I loved this, Elizabeth! So glad we are neighbors over at Duane's today so I knew to read...

    someday maybe we can sit around a table and I'll tell you how much this post impacted me. Because I've been on both sides of this sea...

    Hugs to you, friend. Thanks for pointing me back to Him!

  3. Thank you, dear friend. I needed to reminded to roll the burden on Him. The load has been heavy and I've been feeling the need to 'escape' to the beach. We talk about it but there is so much to do - and needs of dear ones that keep us close to home. Yes, He has called to you to something different than nine to five. He Who has called you is faithful!

  4. Elizabeth, your words and your photographs ---pure beauty. May you be blessed and receive the rest and restoration your spirit longs for. I too find such rest on the coast. And your photography is simply amazing. You are gifted. May your ministry flourish and may you receive His abundant blessings in all you do for Him.

  5. Elizabeth...oh we could sit and talk... I went to bed last night weary...telling Him I have nothing left to give...I had to choose to trust...He cares more than I do...He will the one who really has the answers...I ask Him...what am I carrying that I am not supposed to...because He promises...His burden is easy...His yoke is light. I did not get to go to the sea....but He met me this morning all the same...empty all out again at the foot of the cross...He refreshes my soul. May you continue to feel His refreshing Spirit as you give yourself to others.

  6. Elizabeth,
    Thank you for the inspiration that you are. It is such an encouragement to know others that are sold out and abandoned to Him.
    Right now, in the midst of difficulty, I know that He is my All in all.

  7. These are gorgeous images of the shore and those rocks are amazing. I cannot imaging how difficult it is to bear the burdens of a congregation. There is a lot of troubles out there in the world. This is why I pray for clergy and their families.

  8. Beautiful post & photos, Elizabeth! When I am at the sea, especially when the sun streams through the clouds, I can imagine Him walking on the water, and I long for the day we see Him face to face. It is a delicate balance between serving and being restored to be able to let His blessings flow though you to others.
    Thanks so much for visiting and commenting on Saved by Grace!
    Your blog is a blessing and I am now following it, and I invite you to follow Saved by Grace also:
    Love in Him,
    Laurie Collett

  9. Oh my. I'd like to spend a looooong visit at that beach. Gorgeous. And so beautiful when viewed through your lens. God has gifted you.


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