
Sunday, July 1, 2012

When God gives you something you don't deserve...


I kind of grumbled to you about it.

My old PC, that has already been rebuilt once, died a slow, painful death.

One by one the programs on it would refuse to work.

So, I had to use the Hub's itty bitty mini notebook computer.

Eye strain, I tell ya.

I prayed about what I should do.

I really wanted a Mac, but didn't feel good about spending that much money.

I didn't have peace about just settling and getting a PC either.

We look at used, refurbished Macs as well, but couldn't find any that were all that much less than a new one.

In the meanwhile, I kept praying for God's wisdom and provision.

Friday, our day off, we met our son-in-law, daughter and our two granddaughters for dinner at a local Thai place.

It's right near Best Buy, so while we waited for them to arrive, we walked on over and looked at computers.

There were lots of good deals on PCs, but I still felt like I didn't want to settle for something less than what I really wanted.

As we were about to leave, I noticed a table of PCs that were clearance priced.

I asked the salesman why, and he explained that their boxes had been opened.

So I asked if there were any Macs with opened boxes.

He said that there were, but they just couldn't set them out, due to shoplifting.

So, he climbed up a ladder to a padlocked cage looking thing, and there among a few other clearance priced "open boxes" Macs, was the exact one I wanted for $400 off!

Four! Hundred! Dollars!

(Many refurbished Macs weren't reduced that much!)

I thank God!

I really believe this was a direct answer to prayer!

Here's my dilemma, do you ever feel guilty when God blesses you with something material like that-

something that, technically, you could live without?

And then I think about my children, and my grandchildren,

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(like Miss Blue Eyes in the photo above),

and while I certainly don't want her to be selfish and greedy and ungrateful,

I love to give her, not just the things she needs, but treats and surprises as well,

just because she's my girl and I love her.

So, today I say, thank you Papa God,

from your girl.



I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…


3 gifts today in someone older than me-

-an email from my brother-in-law, that last week was critically ill in the hospital, but is now home and on the mend

-a message from my sister, (his wife), about God's faithfulness through the trial

-my morning coffee, served to me by the Hubs, (he is 6 months older than me)

3 gifts framed by a frame-

-my chalkboard, with this year's theme verse on it

-photos of my three girls when they were young, in their matching Christmas dresses made by my Mama

-photos of the grandkids

3 gifts eaten-

-nut clusters


-middle eastern turkey burgers

a gift small-

-emails from my Ghana girl (small in size, not meaning)

a gift big-

-my new computer

a gift just right-

-Thai food with my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughters

3 gifts you gave today-

-lots of hugs and kisses to my granddaughters, (and a few to the Hubs, too!)

-thanks and appreciation to our church family for a great church picnic

-cheers and clapping for the ones we baptized in the river at the picnic

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Gratefully yours,



  1. Elizabeth, what a blessing the Lord bestowed on you!! I think God cares about even the trivial wants in our life. He's full of surprises, isn't He?!:)
    I love your list of thanksgiving. I especially love the last picture of a baptism! That really blessed me!
    Leslie :)

  2. How wonderful! A gift all the more special because it meets your heart's desire and you waited patiently without demanding. Very special.

  3. I have a MAC and I know what a gift that it is. Blessings as you enjoy His provision.

  4. I haven't even read the whole joy list yet. I got so excited about the Providence of that Mac that I just had to come here and lift up a praise. That is entirely God. He's just so creative in his giving and teaching sometimes that I'm amazed.

    And then, I saw the last photo.
    More praise.

    And I haven't even read the rest of the list yet. Whew.

  5. I love this perspecitve! I do feel sometimes that praying for material things might be wrong. God is so good and loving. Remembering how we feel towards our children is a great help in understanding. Congrats on the Mac. We switched over a few years ago and love it! Blessings to you!

  6. So happy for your blessing from the Father of Lights. Yes, I sometimes feel guilty, but then I realize He loves me. He Loves Me. Wow.

  7. This is just who God is, the giver of good gifts. Not because you are worthy (although you are) but because He loves you! This made me smile. He sees and knows the desires of our hearts! So excited for you!

  8. I think I'm just now starting to feel this way. Just this past year my eyes have been opened through reading the book Radical, blogs (such as yours) and our own personal financial trial. It is such a balance in this life between living how God wants us to and how the world tells us to. Your blog is such a ministry and blessing to me so continue doing the work of the ministry with your new computer. :)

  9. My dear, little mother calls things like this 'God's happy surprises'! What a blessing - because He loves you!

  10. A post full of blessing and truth! Another example of His extravagant love. It's everywhere, isn't it?!

  11. Hi Elizabeth ~~ What a beautiful post, I feel I can really relate to everything you wrote in your post, I am really grateful right now for you mentioning the "take the Joy Dare". I am going to do it and thanks for enlightening me about it. You are a little blessing to me today.

    Pearl 13.1

  12. Enjoy your new blessing! (Love my Mac)

  13. Consider that you have been given a tool to do His work through things like your blog too. You bless us all with your words and thoughts that point back to Him. God Bless...

  14. I feel guilty sometimes, but then I do believe that God wants to bless us and give us things we enjoy just as we want to give to our loved ones just because we love them and want to treat them with something that will make them smile. The trick is in finding balance and not becoming focused on the the things.

    Congrats on your new computer and thank you for sharing your story today. :)


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