
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Friday's Favs…Homegrown Dried Lavender

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I've been given a big, beautiful bunch of dried lavender in the past,

but this is the first year I've grown and dried my own.

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I planted it last summer, but this summer it really took off.

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When it was ready to cut, I simply hung it in bunches from my dining room curtain rod until it was dried.

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I love it, its lovely smell, its delicate appearance.

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And I love the fact that it was grown in my own backyard!

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It's almost Friday!

have a BLESSED weekend!


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  1. Hi Elizabeth,
    How lovely that you were able to grow and dry your own lavender. I like the look of lavender but am allergic to the fragrance.
    Your white grouping with the lavender in the heavy jar is beautiful.
    Have a good week
    Barb from Australia

  2. I am glad that you are able to grow and enjoy lavender. I am told that it doesn't do well in Florida because of the extreme heat and the humidity is bad for it. I will just have to enjoy it in your photo and then remember that we have the time of year that the orange blossoms perfume the air. I guess each place has its own thing but I still wish for that lavender.

  3. Elizabeth, Your lavender is beautiful! I've not tried drying that yet. There's always next year.
    Mary Alice

  4. Lavender one of my favorite scents! I'm glad you are able to grow it. I noticed your beautiful blue dishes. They are lovely. Is one of your awesome finds?

  5. That looks so pretty! I planted some lavender this summer...I hope I end up with a good harvest next year :)

  6. So very pretty, Elizabeth!! I'm going to add that to my list of things to plant! :)

  7. That white container is just perfect for the lavender, too! Beautiful vignette in your home---which must be full of beautiful vignettes!

  8. Isn't it wonderful to be able to say, "I grew it!" Things always seem more lovely when they come out of your own back yard. We had green beans from our garden plot last night for dinner. They were the best the kids had EVER eaten!

  9. I adore lavender. Great pics. Have you ever seen these. So pretty.

  10. I love lavender anything. I have been growing it for a couple of years now and just love having it right in my backyard.

    Yours looks wonderful in your little crock. Such a beautiful display all around. Love the little white plates hanging on the wall.

  11. Gorgeous! I would love to grow my own lavender~I may just have to give that a try!

  12. lovely lavender... I wish I had some of my own to dry. It would smell lovely with my dried lemon balm:) love it in that sweet little crock :)

  13. It's beautiful, Elizabeth. I have always thought that heather was one of the most romantic flowers. It's partly because of the way it looks, fresh or dried, and it's partly because it was always a mainstay of the British novels that I read growing up.

    I would love to grow some. As usual, I love the way yours looks displayed. Just beautiful.

  14. Quelle jolie message!!! Et quelles jolie fotos de lavande !!! Lavande c`est mon milleure fleure!! :O)
    J`adore le !!! Et vous dans votres fotos vous avait tres bien choisi l`exposision!! :O) J`adore!! :O)

    Et quelle jolie blog vous avait!!! :O) J`adorele lire !!!
    Il est toujour tres interesent a lire!!! :O)
    Bonne semaine Elisabeth!!
    xxx Maria xxx

  15. Oh, I love lavender, and yours looks just gorgeous the way you have it displayed-love your whole vignette!!

  16. Love the lavender. I've never dried my own before you have inspired me
    to try it.
    Thank you.
    Pat @ Topiary Rose

  17. Your lavender is gorgeous! We have a lavender farm not too far from us and I was just thinking the other day how I need to get out there!

    Thanks for linking up! I shared your post in my wrap up
    Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

  18. I have lavender planted but no blooms. Maybe next year. Love your post

  19. What a gorgeous vignette, love those muted colors and textures. The lavender adds such a wonderful touch!

  20. Lavender is one of my all time favourite flowers Elizabeth. So glad you've had your first crop. Thanks for sharing it at Shabbilicious Friday this week.


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