
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Giving thanks in all things...

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Giving thanks in all things…

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For turning 55…

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though it did pain me a bit. (ouch.)


I got to celebrate with my husband at my favorite place...

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so restful, beautiful, much needed for both of us.

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Thank You, Father!

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I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…


3 gifts heard-

-youngest daughter's voice on the phone, her calling me from Missouri

-the washer swish- swashing a load of dark clothes

-birds chirping outside my home office window

3 gifts difficult-

-when money is "tight"

-when times are stressful

-when I'm in pain

3 gifts white-

-white journal pages, waiting to be filled as I read the Bible by the sea

-white foamy waves

-clean, warm, white socks on my feet, cold from wading in the sea

3 gifts eaten-

-delicious fish sandwiches

-warm marionberry cobbler with vanilla ice cream for my birthday dessert

-fresh, red cherries

a gift at 10 a.m.-

-a slow, lazy morning together on our little getaway

a gift at 1 p.m.-

-devotions by the sea

a gift at 10 p.m.-

-getting to stay an extra night at the beach

3 gifts sitting down-

-driving home from the beach

-good heartfelt conversation while driving

-watching old BBC versions of Jane Austin's books

a gift outside-

-hot, sunny weather

a gift inside-

-air conditioning in our bedroom

a gift upside down-

-how God has promised that our latter years will be greater than our former

Gratefully yours,



  1. Happy birthday my friend. Your birthday celebration destination looks glorious!

  2. Have I ever told you how much I love the way you do your joy dare? Well, I do. My two favorites this week were the gift difficult and the gift upside down. They were great prompts and wonderful responses from you.

  3. And Happy 55! You are a speed limit. That's infinitely better than being a speed bump.
    Just sayin'...

  4. I love the beach in fact we were there yesterday, it is peaceful and calming.
    Love your joy dare and Ann's book is awesome and a gift for us all to learn from.

  5. Such gorgeous photos and happy birthday! I can relate so well to your 3 gifts difficult. Hugs!!

  6. I love the joy dare posts. So encouraging to me while I struggle over 4 or 5 gratitudes at the end of my posts. :)

  7. What beautiful pictures!! I don't know if I'll ever see that coastline so I always enjoy your photos!! :) I always love reading your list too and today is no different. I especially love your "gift upside down." :)

  8. Elizabeth, Have you heard that growing old is not for cowards? It sounds blunt but I've been thinking on that since seeing it somewhere a few days ago. It leads me to pray as all my fears do! I turned 55 in March. The WONDERFUL thing is a few years ago I saw the verse from Isaiah 55:12 " You shall go out with joy & be led forth with peace...", the Lord impressed on my heart that this was to be my old age PROMISE from Him! His joy truly is our strength! Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

  9. Beautiful pictures. Makes me yearn to see the ocean again. To stroll down the beach looking for shells and enjoying the beauty Papa has made for me!!

    HAPPY BELATED B"DAY! Pray it was a joyous and wonderful day! Sure looks like you had an awesome time.

    1. Hi Red, I can't figure out how to comment on your blog anymore. Just wanted to say thanks for the birthday wishes!

  10. Happiest of birthdays to you. Mine is Thursday and bittersweet too. Your pictures are lovely and what a wonderful place to get away and celebrate the wonderful gift of you.


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