
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Thanks giving from the mountaintop... 81912e.jpg

It's easy to give thanks when you're on the mountaintop.

No, life isn't perfect.

But, it's pretty great right now.

Last Sunday, my daughter and grandkids arrived home from Ghana.

Today, youngest daughter arrived home from Missouri.

All three of my daughters and all four of my grandbabies are near, and nothing makes this mama/nana happier! 81912f.jpg

It's not always this easy to give thanks.

Some weeks I've found it hard to post my weekly gratitude list because of the valley I've found myself in.

It could be adverse outward circumstances or inner struggles that make thanks giving a challenge.

Regardless, for three years next month, I've counted my blessings in the good times and in the bad.

Because God really is good…

ALL the time.


I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…


3 gifts in green-

-my only grandson's brownish-green hazel eyes 81912b.jpg

-green is little blondie's favorite color 81912a.jpg

-yummy Asian chicken salad eaten out on the patio on a hot summer evening

a gift in a ring-

-tiny toe ring 81912h.jpg

a gift in a curve-

-the curve of wave on shore 81912g.jpg

a gift in a sphere-

-juicy nectarine

3 gifts ugly beautiful-


-sand covered kiddos

-chocolate ice cream messy faced three year old granddaughter

3 gifts family-

-going to the beach with my daughter and three oldest grandkiddos 81912d.jpg

-the Hubs encouraging us to go, even though he had to stay home and work 81912 i.jpg

-Papa laughing with youngest granddaughter

3 gifts in the morning-

-windows and doors open to let in the cool morning air

-my grandson climbing up into the bed beside me

-COFFEE, of course! :)

a gift red-

-inside a fresh plum

a gift read-

-studying Proverbs

a gift written-

-the first page in a brand new journal

3 gifts in church-

-voices raised together in songs of praise and worship

-the congregation giving my daughter a "homecoming from Ghana" standing ovation

-giving and receiving a hug, being a listening ear, praying with others

Gratefully yours,



  1. I guess we have to go through the tough times to see and appreciate the wonderful blessings all around us. I tend to grow weary in the prolonged difficult times, then the Lord sends a blessing of an apartment for my daughter.
    Mary Alice

  2. Blessings on you and your God-serving family, Elizabeth!

  3. This is beautiful, Elizabeth. I'm so happy for your current family embrace! Blessings!

  4. I love your gifts and your honesty. You have such beautiful blessings wrapped in those kiddos :) What a delightful post!

  5. Elizabeth,
    I can feel the joy in your post. It's wonderful!
    Yes, I am taking the Joy Dare too. And gratitude is one of my greatest blessings.

  6. Oh Elizabeth, I know you're thrilled to have your family close! I'm so happy for you. I know you're going to enjoy every minute and record all the blessings of the week in that little black book. ;)

  7. So glad for your good times with family. Had a mountaintop experience myself yesterday and it felt soooo good. My daughter and grandson and I had breakfast together in a cozy restaurant before he went for his first day back to school. Then we all met for supper to hear about that first day back to school. This is a little tradition that I really appreciate being included in as a grandma.


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