
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What I'm up to….


I'm not doing home decor projects right now or out and about thrifting or antiquing.

What I am doing is soaking up the last of these August days and enjoying every moment of having all of my daughters and grandchildren here.

Oldest granddaughter loves helping me cook, clean and putter.

This morning I found her out watering the plants, (and wearing my Hunters!).

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Hey, you missed a weed!

It's there, right next to your right foot!

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She also helped me make breakfast today.

Multigrain blueberry muffins, this time with lemon zest instead of orange.

She suggested we make scrambled eggs with cheese as well.

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We baked her muffin and her little brother's in heart shaped tins.

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She also decorated the table on the back patio with this arrangement.

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The fact that she has a heart that loves to nest and create beauty makes me smile.

Still following,


Shabby Art Boutique


  1. She sounds like such a sweet girl. I'm glad you're enjoying these last days of summer. xo

  2. I just smiled all through your post. The pictures are beautiful. And as a grandmomma I relate to how special it is to have one near.

  3. What a treasure for your grandchildren to be able to spend this time with YOU as well. Such a priceless gift to your daughters and their children to have grandparents who delight in them and spend quality time with them. You are making wonderful memories not only for yourself, but also for your darling grandchildren. Lovely post!
    Mary Alice

  4. She's a sweetie! So glad you can have time with your dear ones. Some of my dear ones are here for a time. Watering plants and weeding is on the list of things to do together!

  5. Beautiful flowers! I'm so glad you have all your family together with you. There's nothing I enjoy more than when I have all my family together. By the way love your rain boots. Your granddaughter looks great in them! LOL I'm still looking for some but haven't for that "just right" pair yet.

  6. I'm glad you're enjoying your family! Thanks for sharing them with us.


  7. I admire your ability to live so calmly with so much going on....We had three of our grandchildren here for a few days, and I was/am basically exhausted. It was hard for me to get anything else done - so I just temporarily gave up :) I would have needed to make some significant adjustments if the visit was extended any longer!

  8. Isn't fun to have grand daughters? Oh and I love those dahlia'

  9. What sweet treasured memories you all are creating! So good to enjoy simple pleasures.


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