
Monday, September 17, 2012

Autumn Table...

The weather here in Portland, Oregon is still very summerish, but the leaves are starting to turn colors and the mornings are cool, hinting of the changing season.
  Fall's official arrival is this week, so I decided that it's time for some autumn decor!  
I think I'll start by showing you my autumn table.
My vintage wood tote is filled with small pumpkins, nuts and miniature indian corn.
It sits on top of a grain sack that I bought last year on our trip to Maine and Prince Edward Island.
I got the tablecloth from World Market for my birthday.
I love its nubby texture, warm color and the ruffle, but it is really hard to iron and I found it difficult to get all of the wrinkles out!

I've kept my autumn decor pretty simple this year.
Over the next few days I'll be showing you the rest.
So, what's the weather like in your neck of the woods?
Have you made any seasonal changes around your home?

Still following,

The Lettered Cottage


  1. I love your simple Fall decor! I have never really been much for decorating for any season but Christmas. My mother never did, so I don't. But looking at all of the beautiful decor on my favorite blogs has me wanting to decorate!

  2. It's spring here so we're just waiting for the jacarandas and crepe myrtles to flower. Hopefully the creases in your beautiful tablecloth will fall out as it hangs there. Your pumpkin display is lovely.

  3. Wow! These is an amazing fall decor. I can truly feel that Autumn is just around the corner. Don't forget about the pumpkins that represents Halloween. Its quite near too.
    Interactive Presentation

  4. Your table looks so wonderfully seasonal! Couldn't help but notice the lovely view of your backyard as you sit around your table.
    Mary Alice

  5. You asked how the weather is in our neck of the woods so I'll tell you. Hot,humid,with a side of rain. All which is typical Florida weather and the plants are loving it. It is so green and lush and beautiful that you can walk around looking at it without thinking so much about how damp you may feel. Love your tablecloth and I think it is supposed to look that way, lots of burlap and drop cloth tablecloths being made out in blog land and they look just like that. If you really don't like it I remember my mom dampening hard to iron clothes and putting them in the freezer then ironing them, don't know the why behind it, just that it was supposed to help get out wrinkles.

  6. I'm totally loving our 80° weather not too far north of you. Haven't put up my fall decor yet. Yours is so pretty!!

  7. I love your autumn table! So simple - and perfect! No, I've not done any autumn decor. Too much going on at our house with daughter and grandkids moving in. I'm going away later this week for a few days with our dear blog friend. When I return I may be able to add some 'fall' to my home.

  8. I will decorate for fall after a ladies retreat this weekend. Life has been a tad 'stressful' so making the 'rooms' pretty is low on the list.
    take care

  9. I adore the tiny pumpkins and gourds found this time of year. I'm happy and enjoying it right up to the point when the oak leaves drop and my yard is 2 feet thick in leaves and then the raking begins. :)

  10. :D Your dining room is very pretty.

    Linking from Debbidoos,
    Ricki Jill

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