
Saturday, September 22, 2012

Colossians 3:15

What a message for our "what about me" culture!
I want to have the mind of Christ, the mindset of His kingdom's culture.
I don't want to be ruled by the tyranny of my selfish nature, but by the loving, giving nature of Jesus.

Still following,


  1. ... I'm always drawn to the images of two adirondack chairs ... beachside, in a garden, on a hilltop setting.

    thank you!


  2. Beautiful!! :) Stopping by from Scripture & a Snapshot. Have a blessed day!!

  3. "keep you in tune with each other"
    I love that.
    Thank you for sharing the picture and verse.

    Stopping by from The Sunday Community.

    1. I couldn't get your blog to open to leave you a comment. Hope you read this to know I sure appreciate your kind encouragement.

  4. I think we are destined to be friends! I'm Beth. I LOVE the ocean. I think adirondacks are the best chairs ever! And I love all Scripture but somehow God always seems to speak to my heart the most clearly through The Message! =)

    Thank you for taking time to visit my blog tonight! I appreciated your visit and your comment! I just started blogging again (new home) after taking the summer off to work on my marriage and realign my priorities. Lost most of my regular readers but I don't regret the break. God will bring those who need to hear my particular story of grace.

  5. OHHH! I love that verse and the picture goes perfectly!

  6. Ah, the importance of community in Him. So essential. Thank you for the (beautiful) reminder!

  7. The sand, the sea and the verse are great together!

    1. For some reason Wordpress would not let me login to leave you a comment. Hope you see this. Loved what you did with that verse from Ecclesiastes!

  8. Amen! I like the way the message says it--none of this going off and doing your own thing.

  9. I don't think I've ever heard the Message translation, so it causes me to stop and think. Great photograph, as usual!

  10. I like the last part of that verse in the King James where it says, and be ye thankful. That makes it hard to think what about me when you are being thankful you are giving credit to someone other than yourself and realizing what you have actually received. Just another reason I like the 1,000 Gifts book and what it taught me.

    1. Yes, I like that part too. It's hard to fit a whole lengthy verse on a photo! :)

  11. Amen to this! I too don't want to be sucked in by selfish culture & lose site of my God center and others focus. By grace may He help us all.

  12. Love how the Message puts the Word, point said. :) Nicely done.

  13. stunning.. I am not a fan of THE MEssage.. but here, on your photo, I get it!

  14. Love the picture, and also always love the beach.

  15. Beautiful reminder! Love the photo too. It reminds me of the last reunion I had with some dear college friends, out on a MI island, and how we each bought mugs with that design on them to remind us to pray for each other each time we drink from them... ~ Pam, Apples of Gold,

  16. What a gorgeous place to go to escape the evils in this world. To sit and stare at the ocean and get lost in the vastness of God. I want to run from the news, the election, the terrorism, the hatred, the incivility in this world. This is why I come to this site. You give me a view of what could/should be. :)

  17. REALLY? I can't do my own thing? Doesn't God tell me I can??? Oh, well... reality strikes again. ;-)


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