
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Corning WWII Handleless Mugs...

A year ago August, we, along with all of our children and grandchildren, rented a fabulous beach house in the lovely little town of Gearhart, Oregon for a few days of family togetherness.
We had a wonderful time.
While there, the kitchen was stocked with these unusual handleless mugs.
Oldest daughter, in particular, fell in love with the heft and the feel of these mugs as we enjoyed our morning coffee and evening hot cocoa in them.
She teased that she was going to sneak them home with her.
When we got home, we both did a little research on the mugs and found that they were WWII military mess ware, and therefore, virtually indestructibly made. 
 We occasionally found them for sale on ebay and other similar sites for $15-$35 and more apiece.
The mugs are easily recognizable by the logo and little glass blower on the bottom of the mug.
My daughter loved them so much that she frequently looked them up online, hoping to find a bargain.
Mama to the rescue!
While in Goodwill a few weeks ago, sitting amongst the vases, clay pots and ugly flower arrangements, sat 3 of the WWII Handleless mugs in pristine condition for $1.99 each.  Score!
A couple of weeks later, in the same Goodwill, again with the vases and such, another mug, this one for 99 cents!
Two for her and two for me!

Drinking my coffee out of one of the mugs, I think of my WWII Navy veteran Daddy on board ship, his hands wrapped around one of these mugs, filled with the strong, black coffee he loved.
It makes me smile.

Still following,


  1. Doesn't that just make you feel like God smiled on you? I'm glad to learn about these special mugs...but even more happy that you have found some at such a reasonable price.

  2. Very, Very cool! Love when things like that happen.
    Mary Alice

  3. sweet serendipity ♥ what a find!
    i *love* military mugs. we have 7 brown, marble like handled mugs dating as early as 1940. wonderfulness.

  4. It's the little things. I love this mug story.

    1. Hi Jenny! Thanks for the kind comment, and welcome as my newest blog follower!

  5. I learn something new everyday! Will know what I'm looking at if I ever see these mugs. So glad you found them.

  6. I think I would like those. Especially on cold days when the handle gets in my way of wrapping my chilled fingers around the warm mug!

  7. What a wonderful story. New treasures with sentiments from the past and new shared family memories!

  8. Very cool indeed! Glad you found some and I hope you both continue the collection until you get the number you'd like-enjoy:@)

  9. i have a soft spot for a good coffee mug ... those are just great, what a wonderful find!

  10. Wonderful! Today I went to a birthday lunch. The seventy year young birthday girl just that morning, said to the Lord, "I'd love a new ring to go with this new brown top"...and she put on a favourite silver and sapphire ring instead. The first birthday present she opened was a lovely golden coloured ring with a mid brown stone. It fitted perfectly and looked fabulous with her outfit. God knows!

  11. So special that you were able to find enough for both you and your daughter to enjoy...

  12. Hi Elizabeth,
    Wonderful story! How lovely to have a family connection to these unusual mugs. I hope you and your daughter enjoy using them for many years to come.
    Have a good week
    Barb from Australia

  13. I love this story! I have some of those special finds in my cupboards too. They bring a smile to your face and warmth in your heart when you use them.

  14. What a great find. I love the history of the mug and the look of it. With cooler weather coming on you will get a lot of use out of them.What are the chances of finding such a rare find twice. Have many amazing times with those mugs.

  15. Cool mugs and great story. I'm outlining a WWII story. I may add handleless mugs to my story. I love details. :)


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