
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Ecclesiastes 9:11...

I ran my first 5K today!
I ran the Portland Color Run with 9 other gals from our church and 4 from my son-in-law and daughter's church and about 15,000 other people!
I certainly wasn't the swiftest!
But, I did run all but about a quarter mile.
 A little past the mid-way point, I power walked a bit to catch my breath.
I plan to keep running and to try again.
It feels good to stretch myself, to reach for a goal, to do something I never thought I could do.
It feels even better to do it at age 55, when the tendency would be to take it easy and to slow down.
I want to finish my earthly race, however long that may be, strong in body, soul and spirit.
Here I am at the end of the race.
 I was the oldest runner in our group of 14.
The next oldest, who's over 50 as well, was the first to cross the finish line in our group!
She has run a 1/2 marathon and a 10 K this year as well.
What an inspiration!

Still following,


  1. I want to do that SO bad!!! Great pictures and verse!

  2. I'll be run/walk my very first 5K Dec.1st ... we are doing a RunforGod Race at my church as well! Thanks for the inspiration ... I'm 49!

  3. Congrats on your 5K!!! Keep going! stopping by from Sunday community. Blessings to you :)

  4. This is awesome!!! I have always wanted to do one of these, congrats!! :) The verse is perfect, too!! Stopping by from Scripture & Snapshot! Have a blessed day!!

  5. Congratulations, my friend! I knew you could do it! I'd love to walk in the Race For the Cure some day. Maybe next year! Running may be out of my options but I can walk!

  6. That looks like a lot of fun. Congratulations! Visiting from the Sunday community.

  7. Good for you! Isn't it the best feeling?

  8. Congratulations! That is quite an accomplishment - and your photo and Scripture verse were perfect for the post!

  9. As a 57 year old myself who is walking and riding my bike to try to stay in shape, I am so proud of you. You are an inspiration. We have a lady in our bible study group who is 92 years old and seems 20 years younger than that. She is so much fun and has so many friends and interests that she doesn't have the complaints of many older people. I can see you getting to that age just as gracefully.

    1. YaY for you walking and bike riding, we gotta keep these 50 something bodies moving!

  10. Fabulous! You are fantastic, my friend.

  11. That's cool Pastor Elizabeth. 4 or 5k is more than I've ever ran! Glad you had fun.

  12. Awesome, girl!! I'm SO not a runner, my body just isn't made for it even though others would look at me and think it's perfect {the insides do not agree}. You look adorable all colored up :)

    Love the photo. Makes me want to go in to read more....and, that's perfect for Scripture and A Snapshot - to create a desire for more.

  13. What a great post, Elizabeth! Congratulations! I really like the picture of you!

  14. You look great, Girl!! Way to go, I've never ran a 5K before! The color run came to Louisville over the summer, and we weren't able to run but our friends did. Thanks for your nice comment tonight about my pie. Hope you like it, too!!

  15. Awesome, you look great... and I am glad you are choosing to be healthy.

  16. Good for you, and congratulations for finishing!

  17. Congratulations!! What an accomplishment and encouragement to others! :)

  18. I AM IMPRESSED!!! Have wanted to do something like that for so very long... and now my age and health have kicked my tail in terms of following through. Oh, WELL! You are a blessing and blessed.


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