
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Friday's Fav….Back to School Mantel

back to school mantel 1.jpg

I'm letting go of summer reluctantly.

While I love fall, I'm not quite ready to embrace it fully.

I'm easing into the season's change with a nod to back to school time.

Here's my back to school mantel.

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Pencils fill a zinc container atop a Webster's dictionary.

An old "B" alphabet card with a picture of a school bus is propped against my mirrored window frame.

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An apple for the teacher is the theme in these apothecary jars.

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Flash cards with appropriate school themed words hang from an old branch above the mirrored window.

The weather here in Portland is hot this week, but the mornings are cool and the trees are already starting to turn color here and there.

Fall is on the way, whether I'm ready or not.

Well, it's almost Friday friends.



have a BLESSED weekend!


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Shabby Art Boutique


  1. You always change things up. That's lovely attention to detail. I don't do it, but I admire people that do. :)

  2. This is such a cute and appropriate mantel display for this time of year, Elizabeth. Love the flash cards!
    Mary Alice

  3. I feel the same as you do, I'm not ready for summer to come to a close either. Your mantel looks wonderful! I really love those little zinc pots :)

  4. I love changing things around for the season or occasion too Elizabeth. While you are reluctant to see summer fade away, we've had a hot and sunny start to spring here in Australia, which brings the promise of a long hot summer ahead.
    Thank you for sharing at Shabbilicious Friday.

  5. Now that's a cool theme idea for decorating one's mantel.

  6. How clever you are to celebrate back to school in your decor! Fun and wonderful!

  7. Very cute! I like the mix of tin, glass and red! It all looks great together!

  8. I love all your details, it all looks very inspired.


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