
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Friday's Favs…Large Wooden Cubby

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I went to one of my favorite antique malls, Monticello Antiques, for their big Fall Open House last Friday.

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I stopped in my tracks when I saw this large wooden cubby with a 15% off sign taped to it.

(I love cubbies! See another one here.)

It can be hung on the wall, but I was pretty sure it would be a perfect match to set atop my antique library table.

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I walked away, strolling around and looking at other things, but within minutes I turned around and went back to get it because I was afraid someone else was going to snatch it up!

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I set it on top of the library table and it is, indeed, a perfect match!

I have it secured to the wall so it can't tip over, but if I ever want to move it off of the table it can easily be moved and hung elsewhere.

We left for a little mini-vacation before I could "play" with it much, but here it is with a few things hastily displayed.

I'm excited to decorate it up for fall and Christmas!

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Now this little lady that I showed you last week has to find a new place to hang out, (she may go live at my daughter's house).

Well, it's almost Friday!



have a BLESSED weekend!


vintage inspiration button1aaadoveladygfairy006Stuff and Nonsense

I'm Lovin' It at TidyMomSeasonal-Sunday-Teapot-copy_thumb3
Shabby Art Boutique


  1. Well, aren't you blessed! That is really, REALLY beautiful, Elizabeth.

  2. this is **beautiful**! warmly elegant.
    i did something somewhat similar in my guest room using a white table and cubby. i posted about it today..

  3. Just think of all the Christmas loot you can put it that!! Every square can be it's own little vignette. People won't know where to look first!!

  4. Very charming! Love your blog, the music is so calming and warm. Thank you!!! God's Blessings to you and yours. I am a new follower of your blog and invite you to join mine as well, would love to see you there!

  5. It IS a perfect match. You have the eye, my friend. :)

  6. Your cubby is beautiful! And what a great place for it. I know you'll have fun with that.
    Mary Alice

  7. I love your cubby... how fun to decorate! One day I would love to bring home a cubby piece.

  8. It's a beautiful piece Elizabeth. Thanks for sharing at Shabbilicious Friday.

  9. Oh, it's lovely! I found one today that looks exactly like it only a different wood finish! And I was lucky enough to find it at the Goodwill of all places for only $6!!! Yours is prettier than mine, though. I love the dark wood finish. Mine is a medium colored pine wood. I will probably end up painting it white but oh my goodness it will be a huge job! I love how you have yours sitting on your library table. They really are a perfect match! I can't wait to see how you decorate it for the holidays! So happy to have found your beautiful blog!


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