
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Goodbye Summer...

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G randchildren, all four of them, together

O ur only alarm clock is the sunlight streaming through the window

O pen windows and humming fans

D airy Queen cones good to the last lick and best enjoyed with the above mentioned grandchildren

B lackberries made into jam and backyard wading pools

Y ellow roses and yummy summer fruits and veggies

E venings around the backyard fire pit and everyone we love near

S 'mores and sticky smiles and sandy kids on summer beach trips

U mpteen pitchers of iced tea

M aking ice cream

M emories of summer road trips to the beach and the California Redwoods

E venings long and energetic kids playing outside late

R ainfree days, running through the sprinkler, rivers nearby to wade and swim in

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I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…


3 gifts new-

-new jeans

-new slippers

-new mercies every day

3 gifts long awaited-

-being with all of my siblings at our family reunion

-all my kids and grandkids together

-our new church building

a gift one-

-One True God

a gift two-

-two grandkids camped out on our bedroom floor

a gift three-

-our three daughters, right near the top of the list of greatest blessings God ever gave me

3 gifts very small-

-youngest granddaughter just turned 9 months

-her grin with her tiny teeth showing

-her sweet dimpled hands

3 miracles-

-all four of our grandchildren, each one a real miracle story

-the miracle of His grace in my life

-God's provision for our new church building, built debt free

3 gifts summer-


-beach days, (oh, how I love the sea!)

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-bbqs and s'mores

3 gifts cut-

-fresh peaches sliced up to snack on

-cucumbers and tomatoes in our salad

-fresh cut flowers from the yard in aqua canning jars

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Still following,



  1. All that you described sounds so wonderful. I do love summer and hate to see it go. I fight losing it and it does no good as each day it seems to get dark earlier and earlier. I love to sit outside on the porch swing and not have the sun set until 8:30. Long talks and tall glasses of iced tea, just relaxing and listening to the summer bug sounds in the evening.

  2. Beautiful list. Your acrostic was wonderful. :)

  3. Ah! What wonderful words--"church building built debt free!" Congratulations! It's encouraging to hear of someone following the admonition of Romans 13:8.


  4. Love the pictures, and your blog always.
    (by the way how did you get the water mark on your pictures can you send me a note?)

  5. Great send off to summer and wonderful pics. I adore Paul Bunyan and his blue ox, Babe. Big trees, shoreline and grandchildren. Trifecta. :)

  6. I love how you did this...great list and I love the pictures...sweet, sweet times...blessings~


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