
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Labor Day 2012...

Labor Day 4.jpg

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Labor Day 6.jpg

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Labor Day 1.jpg

Labor Day 7.jpg

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Labor Day 2.jpg

Savoring this time with all of my daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren here.

Still following,



  1. from beginning to end as I went from one picture to the next – my smile just kept getting bigger – you – your kids – your grandkids – family. You know by now that I don't have children – sometimes it's reading about moms and their kids and the love that you moms have for your kids that makes reading who I read so much fun. Thank you Elizabeth – and thank you for being there with me through these three months which have been some of the most difficult in my life. I appreciate that. God bless and keep you and your whole family my bloggy friend.

  2. Can you say SMILES? This is a bunch of happiness. I love smiles.

  3. Beautiful grandchildren!! What a joyful post. :)

  4. What wonderful moments you captured. I also read your forgiveness post, and I can tell from the love that exudes from these photos that you are a master of letting go and letting that love in.

    amanda over at


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