
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Little White Cabinet...

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I stumbled upon this little white cabinet at the Salvation Army last month.

Only she wasn't white, she was painted with a 1980's checkerboard design and chickens.

But for $4.99, I knew I could "cuten" her up.

And, because I had just turned 55, I received my first ever senior citizen's discount.

(To be honest, I didn't know whether to be teary or cheery about it!)

Anyway, all that to say this, she was cheap!

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When I got her home, I covered her with a quick coat of primer and white paint, did a bit of sanding and distressing, then dabbed on and wiped off some dark wax, and then gave her a good coat of clear wax.

She's sitting on top of the antique library table in the living room, and is filled with a few apple themed items since it is back to school time.

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She has a little wooden piece that turns to keep her door shut.

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I think she's going to be a versatile little addition to my home decor.

little white cabinet 7.jpg

Still following,



  1. Very nice. Did you do the picture above it also?

  2. Such a cute little cabinet. I like your frog, too. :)

  3. Wow! Wow! Wow! Nice work, Elizabeth. :)

  4. Hi Elizabeth ~ I hopped over from Dianne's blog. That's a great little cupboard ~ I especially like the chippy red catch. You'll have fun showcasing collections there,

  5. wonderful, I am not that creative. Good job.

  6. What a gorgeous cabinet! I absolutely adore cabinets and I love the little wooden knob.

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