
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Always, always give thanks-

Sometimes the only appropriate response is to celebrate...
to embrace the joy of a day spent together at your favorite place.
When the autumn weather is unusually sunny and rain free...
sometimes you just need to take a walk or a drive and capture some beauty.

And always, always, give thanks-

-for weekend long celebrations of our new church building
-for granddaughters in matching outfits
-for a surprise for my Hubs from my daughters and me
-for our wonderful volunteers
-for a son-in-law who preaches the word
-for food and fellowship
-for "fathers in the Lord"
-for celebratory worship
-for the church caring for and supporting one another in hard times
-and celebrating together in good times
-for FaceTime conversations with daughter and grandkids across the country
-for money for the Homabenase, Ghana well project coming in
-and for the One from Whom all blessings flow

I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…

3 gifts orange-
-stacks of big orange pumpkins in front of the grocery store
-fiery orange leaves on the neighbor's tree across the street
-the sun shining on the underside of the blue jay's wings
3 gifts falling-
-brightly colored leaves
-branches off the neighbors trees on a blustery day
-the Hubs taking time on his one day off to clean up those branches
a gift caught-
-God's goodness and unfailing love that pursued and caught me (Psalm 23:6)
a gift let go-
-my life, hopes, dreams, given back to Him
a gift mid-way-
-me-I'm not what I was, but not yet what I shall be
3 gifts reaped-
-tomatoes from a friend's garden shared with us
-God's miraculous provision as we give 
3 gifts returned-
-firstborn daughter
-middle daughter
-youngest daughter
all three given back to God for His purposes
3 gifts redeemed-
-my body
-my soul
-my spirit
 (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
a gift baked-
-yummy and beautiful cake baked for our church's building dedication
a gift stirred-
-sugar free pumpkin pudding made for my Hubs
a gift eaten-
-lunch after church with dear pastor friends at our favorite Mexican restaurant

Gratefully yours,


  1. One thousand thanks - What a wonderful, Godly, Biblical way to live. God is good. So celebrate this relationship that He's given us.
    God Bless
    See you there!

  2. Where did you find sugar free pumpkin pudding? I found some but it wasn't sugar free. I am diabetic and always looking for something that I can have without guilt.

    1. I took 2 small pkgs. of sugar free cheesecake (or vanilla flavored) pudding, added 3 cups milk, 1 cup pumpkin, 1 teaspoon cinnamon and a dash of ginger and cloves.

    2. Thank you more than you will ever know. It is so sweet of you to pass this on. At first I did not miss sweets that much but as time went on I got to feeling really left out of the fun. It is nice to have something like this to get into the party mode with.Have a great day.

  3. Very nice list and I love your pictures! Keep counting....

  4. Your gifts always make me smile, Elizabeth. Good stuff.

  5. Gorgeous scenery you get to enjoy! I always appreciate your good reminders.
    Mary Alice

  6. Wonderful pictures and yes hasn't it been a different year for us? rain will come soon.

  7. I always love the way you do your Joy Dare and usually spend my time nodding my head along with you. This week, I have a hand's down favorite: Gifts returned.

  8. We should always be thankful but I am reminded by a friend of mine that we need to be careful of the backhanded compliment way of being thankful. She saw people at work getting watches that had diamonds on them and she wanted one. At Christmas her husband gave her a watch(without diamonds)and she thanked him for it but in this way-thank you for this cute little budget watch. I am just thankful to have a watch I guess. She wasn't really,she really wanted what the other girls at the office had. She is divorced now and that is also just like the other girls in her office. Thank you for pointing us in the right direction-thankfulness.

  9. I love your beautiful pictures, blog and Joy Dare each week. Thank you for sharing and as Debbie stated above, find myself nodding in agreement with you. Also, thanks for posting the sugar-free pumpkin pudding recipe. I'm not diabetic but do eat mostly sugar-free and I cannot wait to try this delightful recipe.

    1. You're welcome, Carol. Thanks for the kind encouragement.

  10. I just finished eating the pumpkin pudding and boy was it delicious. I had to wonder if you made that up or heard of it somewhere but it will be a regular on our menu from now on. So glad you are a good cook and pass things on.

    1. I just kind of threw it together. You're welcome! :)


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