
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Beauty hunt...

Our unusually long Indian summer has come to an end.
The skies have turned gray, and the rain is drumming on the roof over my head as I type.
The first autumn batch of hot, homemade chicken soup with rice has been devoured with gusto.
The season of candles glowing warmly, fires in the fireplace, extra quilts on the bed, pots of hot tea and cups of hot cocoa is here.
I wore my rain boots out and about with a little girl grin on my 55 year old face, and went on an autumn "beauty hunt" with my camera.

Sometimes, when the skies turn gray and the storms clouds gather, the best thing to do is to hunt, hunt for the beauty, and when you find it, capture it.
Capture it, so you'll remember it, when the rain beats on your roof and the wind blows.

I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…


3 gifts prayed for-
-oldest granddaughter and only grandson, miracles via adoption
-two youngest granddaughters, miraculously conceived after 10 years of infertility and 3 miscarriages
-our church

3 gifts praised for-
-His transcendence, nothing and no one is above Him
-His holiness, He is perfectly good in all that He is and all that He does
-His great love, immeasurable, overwhelming

3 hard eucharisteos-
-a family dear to us going through a very hard time
-another family in crisis
-a friend facing surgery

3 gifts of change-
-real Oregon fall weather is here
-getting to wear my rain boots
-how God never stops working in us, changing us, transforming us

a gift small, smaller, smallest-
-small orange "berries"

-smaller purple "berries"

-smallest orange "berries"

3 gifts read-
-my favorite blogs
-books to my granddaughter

3 gifts said-
-silly 3 year old granddaughter who is always saying something that makes us laugh
-little 3 year old Latino girl chatting away to me in Spanish, blissfully ignorant that I didn't understand
-youngest daughter, who still calls to talk to her mama when life doesn't make sense

Gratefully yours,


  1. You certainly captured the beauty of the season that I love!
    Mary Alice

  2. The leaves look so beautiful. It seemed like the moment they turned here, the wind came along and sent most of them to the ground.

  3. Your pictures are wonderful, yes it is raining and cool and us Oregonians love it.

  4. Your photos definitely captured the beauty!! I like what you wrote about hunting for it and capturing it. It's grey and rainy here in WA, too. Not liking it, so grateful for the long dry spell we had! Wonderful list of gifts.

  5. i love the words and did capture beauty...i too have become a hunter of beauty...blessings~

  6. Beautiful pictures that made me smile today. Thank you~

  7. Loved what you said about what to do when the skies turn gray. That very idea was the basis for my yellow/finding the sunshine theme for this year. That's exactly what we chose to do around here when the husband lost his job, too.

    I love the things you notice and share on your joy dare.


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