
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Deuteronomy 26:11...

A few days ago, while on a walk with my three year old granddaughter, she was picking dandelions, "for my family", she said.
One for Daddy, one for Mommy, one for herself, and one for baby sister.
Within a minute or two, she had switched to picking up rocks, and the dandelions were forgotten.
Soon she had a whole collection of rocks, 
"This one is shaped like a pizza, Nana!", 
a few pinecones, 
and a stick,
 "This stick would be good to play fetch with a dog.
  I have a dog, but I think my dog's fetchin' brain is broke."
(She has a very old and tired pug dog.)
Anyway, soon she had gathered a "collection", enough bits and pieces of this and that from our walk that it filled a gift bag, which she proudly took home with her to show her mama.
Everything was so interesting, so fascinating to her, everything was a treasure.
I think that's how God created us to see things.
Unfortunately, we lose our childlikeness, and with it, our sense of wonder and appreciation.
We stop noticing and delighting in God's gifts.
I've been keeping a gratitude journal for three years now.
It's life changing.
I'm seeing the wonder all around me and I've gathered quite a "collection".
My gift bag is overflowing.

Still following,



  1. Amen, to the benefits of a gratitude journal, Elizabeth. Your granddaughter is precious.

  2. Oh, this is so true! One of the reasons I love doing photography is because I feel like it keeps that child like appreciation trains me to focus and look for beauty in the unexpected and the everyday that normally we miss.

  3. I love this!! :) What a precious photo! I am always saying that I miss seeing the world the way that my two girls do!! And I love the idea of a gratitude journal!! Thanks for sharing that :) Have a blessed day!

  4. What a beautiful picture and a great reminder to delight in God's gifts! I'm encouraged to try to start a gratitude journal as well...thanks for your encouraging words--God bless!

  5. Elizabeth this is so beautiful. God points us to the faith of children over and over... love this example of how your granddaughter treasured each simple item as a GIFT. profound! linked up after you at Fresh Brewed Sundays. would love for you to link up your posts at our weekly heart+home link party some time at
    thanks again for this sweet example. i'm encouraged today!

  6. Appreciating all of the bits and pieces... I'm working on that! As a Pinterest junkie and an Instagram nut, I have enjoyed seeing God's beauty and creativity. There are so many wonderful photographers out there and I love using my childlike vision to see their photos and appreciate the wonder around us.

  7. I love the verse and the picture, too! Great job!

  8. Hi Elizabeth,
    Looking through the eyes of children allows us to see the world as very simple and fun. No wonder God told us to be like children, they forgive quickly, hold no grudges and find everything around them fun and beautiful.

    What a nice time with your granddaughter, very precious moments.


  9. I love how children see the world as a gift, everything is a wonder. May we see His gifts through the eyes of child like faith. Beautiful photo! Visiting from

  10. I love childlike eyes
    and ask often to see through them:)
    thanks for the sweet inspire,

  11. Oh Elizabeth, this just exudes gratitude. And a child-like wonder of the gifts all around us. I can taste the gratefulness of your words. Did you re-decorate over here? It is beautiful,friend. And there is a JOY on these pages that is simply contagious.

  12. Love the picture and the scripture and the text--just great!

  13. What a precious post!! Isn't it amazing how intrigued they are with the everyday things we take for granted? As I'm sure the Lord is with us. Thanks for sharing.


  14. To see life through the eyes of a child! That's how i want to see! Thanks for linking up!


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