
Thursday, October 18, 2012

Friday's Favs...a little Country Living magazine inspiration


My November issue of Country Living magazine came yesterday.
The cover photo got my attention right away.
And a little idea began to form...
however, it had to be one "Ms. Puddle Jumper"...

 and "Ms. Crawl and eat any lint, crumb or pine needle Nana hasn't cleaned off the floor"...
could either help with or that I could do during nap time, (aka "Happy Hour").
They helped me with the collecting leaves part.
Then, while they were napping, I pressed the leaves using the pressing between waxed paper method.
Since I didn't have the spray adhesive recommended in Country Living, I lightly brushed Elmer's Glue on the back of the leaves with a small paintbrush and pasted them on some sketching paper.
I then covered the pages and leaves with the waxed paper I had used previously and set some heavy books on top of them until the glue was dry.
With some miniature clothes pins and my drying rack, my little idea was complete,  just in time before the grandbabies woke up from their nap.
It hangs on the entry hall wall,  just as it leads into the living room.

I think I like it!
After her nap, "Ms. Puddle Jumper" and I made a little something for Mommy who was coming home from her trip that evening.
Using miniature clothes pins and a simple piece of twine is another cute and easy way to display these pressed leaves.

Well, it's almost Friday!

Have a HAPPY,  HAPPY Friday
and a BLESSED weekend!

vintage inspiration button1aaadoveladygfairy006Stuff and Nonsense

I'm Lovin' It at TidyMomSeasonal-Sunday-Teapot-copy_thumb3
Shabby Art Boutique

Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday
and the Fall Nesting Party at the Inspired Room.


  1. Too cute! I like your interpretation... has me thinking, too. ;-)

  2. Great decorations. I remember doing the wax paper thing with leaves when my son was small. :)

  3. Beautiful - decorations & children :)

  4. That's a fabulous autumn idea! Happy weekend to you Elizabeth.

  5. My CL came the other day, and it (somehow) got buried in a pile of papers. So....when I saw your post, I had to unearth the magazine. Thanks for the reminder...I may have never found it.

    Love your leaf project, and how great that you were able to accomplish such a cool display during 'happy hour'. I've been pressing ferns lately, but I had forgotten about wax paper. I live in Florida, so we don't have any Fall leaves.

    Your granddaughters are adorable, and I'm sure they are lots of fun!


    1. Thanks Susie! Evidently your blog is private, I tried to visit you back!

  6. I got my new Country Living magazine, too. Love the idea of making a gift for Mommy! Think I'll 'steal' your idea and have my granddaughter make a fall banner for her mommy to put in their new home when they move in next week.

  7. I love the chicken wire! I have chicken wire on many of my windows because my autistic son would push out the screens to escape. I'm working on my testimony on my blog & I still struggle with what people might think. What God thinks is far more important & my desire is to be fully focused on Him! Love the relationship post you just shared. Love & prayers, in Jesus, Cynthia

  8. Cute pictures of your little ones, and the fall 'craft' is awesome.

  9. I love it! I too was inspired by the cover and tried to think of a way to do a craft that involved my girls and leaves. Thanks for the ideas!

  10. So cute. I love it. Looks pretty there and just in time for the babies to have a second wind!

    ...enjoy, Pat via FNF

  11. What a simple idea. The finished product looks great and how wonderful it is something that can be shared with the kiddos.

  12. Great copy cat challenge! Ms Puddle Jumper and Ms Crawl are super cute! I am your newest follower. Stop by for a visit when you have a chance. My gate is always open.

    Susan and Bentley

  13. you always have the most beautiful ideas Elizabeth!!

    Thanks for linking up! I featured your post in my wrap up

    Have a great rest of the weekend!

  14. Hello ~ I just found your blog through Ash Tree Cottage and I just love what you have done with the leaves and the drying rack. How sweet is this? Aren't you so glad that the Lord has gifted you with the gift of creation and fluffing your nest? I am truly blessed as well. I think we all are ~ to take what the Lord has made and decorate our homes with it is just priceless. I am your newest follower and I will definitely be back for more inspiration and blessings. By the way, Puddle Jumper is the sweetest little girl and well, hoover (tee hee) how can you not love her?

  15. Hi Elizabeth, I've loved pressing Fall leaves since I was a little girl, how great you had the drying rack to use for this fun project! I totally love it. and those adorable granddaughters!

  16. What a wonderful post! Beautiful real fall decor. Thank you for sharing this at my Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicated House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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