
Friday, October 12, 2012

Galatians 6:14...

Still following,



  1. what a refreshment to come by here Elizabeth...
    and the song... pick me up like a paintbrush...tell your story that is wholly yours... and sign your name on the picture.

    take all I am...I am Yours forever
    Galatians 6:14 and the photo... perfect encouragement to me before I settle with my last chores and then fall to sleep.
    Thank you for this
    I long to feel his name written in my clay

  2. I would just like to thank you again for giving your time for this blog. I come and read it to begin my day and it sets a good tone. To get me thinking in the direction of giving thanks and giving God all of the credit because it is His. You have also motivated me to push a little harder on my exercise. I was impressed at your 5 miles a day. I have been walking 1 or 2 miles a day which has been good but I am stuck and to get down further I need more. Anyway, big thanks.

  3. Beautiful picture and always enjoy your 'spot' here in the blog land world.

  4. Stopping by from the Sunday Community...blessed by the Scripture you shared (and the beautiful picture). Looking forward to following along your blog!

    Blessings to you!

  5. Pick me up like a paintbrush. How beautiful. Thank you.

  6. Oh that I would boast in the Lord, and only in Him! Praying you have a beautiful week.


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