
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Life is good....

The temperatures have dropped the last couple of days, 
Mt. Hood,  just east of Portland,  has its first frosting of snow.
My two oldest grandkids called and told me they were making a Christmas chain, one link for each day until Christmas.
I teased them that it's too soon, that it isn't even Halloween yet, but I must admit, I've been thinking ahead too...
planning Thanksgiving, gathering gift and decorating ideas for Christmas.
All of my daughters, sons-in-law and grandchildren will be here for Christmas, so I'm really looking forward to it.
But not so much that I'm wishing away today, or neglecting to notice this moment.

There's a chill in the air outside, but it's cozy here in our home.
I'm snuggled up with a wool quilt on my lap, typing away, a movie, (that I'm only barely paying attention to), is on the t.v. 
Outside it's just beginning to get dark, but the light in the neighbor's windows glows warmly, a look that seems unique to the shortened days of autumn and winter.

Youngest granddaughter is standing now, her mama, my oldest daughter, just texted me a photo.
She was really close to doing so when we watched her last week.

The coming week will be busy getting ready for our church's annual ladies retreat next weekend.

Life is good, busy, full, sweet, not always easy, of course, not perfect, but blessed.
I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…

3 gifts reread-
-Jan Karon's Mitford books
-Edith Schaeffer's books

3 gifts burning-
-Mrs. Meyer's holiday scent candles found on clearance
-the fall smell of fires burning outdoors
-two sunny days, (the sun burning is all I could think of), in between rainy days

3 gifts ugly-beautiful-
-how a mud puddle is a thing of joy to 3 year old granddaughter
-how handprints on the patio doors mean the grandbabies have been here
-3 year old meltdown because she missed her mama and daddy

a gift shared-
-how risking to open up, encourages others to take a risk on relationships too

a gift saved-

a gift surrendered-
-the daily struggle to live an "I surrender all" life

3 gifts unexpected-
-new clearance sale boots
-lunch with the Hubs across town
-call from only grandson asking for Christmas craft ideas, even though it's not even Halloween yet

3 gifts unconventional-
-how youngest daughter is as rabid a fan of the Washington Huskies as her dad is
-that the stereotype is that the pastor's wife plays the piano, but my husband is the musician in our family, and I love listening to him play and sing
-my middle daughter, who is unfazed by the inconveniences, strange food, etc. of the mission field

3 gifts undervalued-
-delicious homemade chicken stock made from a roasted chicken carcass
-leftovers, (chicken and rice soup)
-our children's ministries team and nursery workers-to me they are heroes!

Gratefully yours,


  1. So enjoy the way you share your gifts! Beautiful writing. :)

  2. I always like to see what you have for some of the Joy Dare thanks. Sometimes they stump me. That is why I enjoy this Bible Study group (CBS) that I have been going to. We may study something I have read in the Bible over and over but when the other women give their input of what they got from it I can see it from a whole other perspective. It is great to share with others, thank you for sharing.

  3. oh those handprints on a glass MIL said she would not wash those off for a long I get it...yes indeed. sweet picture of your grand daughter...blessings to you~

  4. Now, you know that ugly-beautiful mud puddle one was going to rank as the best of the bunch this week, didn't you? She's so cute to me!

    Does this mean the Ghana family is coming for Christmas too? Oh, I hope so! That will be wonderful.


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