
Friday, October 5, 2012

Psalm 23:6...

On our day off, the Hubs and I drove out of the city just a short distance into the country
where a wee, little pioneer church stands next to an old pioneer log cabin.

It's such a beautiful place to go to on a lovely autumn day.

Still following,


  1. I love visiting this sweet church and cabin. My sweetheart and I need to drive that way soon. Love this verse.

  2. Love this little church, I can just hear the choir singing from hard back books with black and white hymns lined on old yellowed paper. The old out of tune piano playing what seems to be the hymns chorus. Love the windows and the vision. Thank you.

  3. Is is possible to visit with a camera? I was unaware of the site, but I would like to visit it the next time we have time in a Portland visit.

  4. Please don't think I'm crazy (even though I am) but do you see the illusion of a woman's face and neck right above the church?? interesting--

    Love the picture and you know how I feel about old churches!

    Much love,

  5. it. "Come to the church in the wildwood" is the song I hear.

  6. Beautiful photo. Perfect verse. Thank you!

  7. It's a beautiful photo! I'm always curious about the people who worshipped in these small congregations and the history of the areas.

  8. Such a sweet photo! And I see the "lady" also! : )

    We have a church like this near's been moved and turned into a community center...but for years I've thought, "I'd like to stop and take pictures of it." You've inspired me!

  9. It's amazing how much this looks like the church I grew up in. A country church impeccably clean and welcoming. I just visited there a couple weeks ago. I love going back where I'm just Pammy and loved by all.

  10. I love visiting old churches. This is one of my favorite portions of scripture too! I've missed you and hope to catch up on reading your blog soon!


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