
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Why it's quiet here...

Hello blog friends, followers, and readers.
A special welcome to my newest blog followers!
I haven't had a chance to personally welcome each of you or to reply to all of your comments the past couple of days.
My nose has been to the grindstone, so to speak, as I am getting ready for our church's annual ladies' retreat this weekend.
On top of all that, I didn't feel well for the past two days.
 I just haven't been able to "do it all" this week, so this place might be a bit more quiet than usual until Sunday evening or so.

Still following,


  1. Praying for you, dear friend. Asking for God's strength - and peace - as you study and minister.

  2. Praying you feel better soon.

    I'm trying to catch up on the series you posted. One day soon...

  3. Hoping you feel better--and praying for your weekend.

  4. Take care of yourself, friend. I hope you feel well soon. God speed.

  5. I trust your women's retreat goes better than ever anticipated, Elizabeth, and that you're feeling up to par!
    Mary Alice

  6. praying for your strength and health, and that He would infuse you with His Holy Spirit to accomplish only that which is necessary for His greater glory. {{hug}}

  7. Hope you are feeling stronger even as I type this. I understand, I was hit by something last week, and it nearly did me in.

    Enjoy your retreat! I'm teaching at one in a few weeks, and I can HARDLY WAIT!!

  8. I hope you are doing better! So nice that you stopped by! Have a wonderful retreat!


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