
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Colossians 3:23...

After 3 days of sunny, dry weather the rain has returned today.
It was a perfect morning to stay indoors and make "hand pies"
while Handel's Messiah played in the background.
I made apple hand pies and strawberry-cream cheese hand pies for a baby shower that I went to this afternoon.
I love to cook, so it was a pleasant task.
It was also a pleasure to do it for the sweet, young mama-to-be who attends our church.
I read this verse this morning and it stuck with me throughout the day.
Not every task I have to do is enjoyable,
but the attitude I do it with can make all the difference in the world.
Not every task I have to do is for someone that I think "deserves" my help,
but if I do it as if it's for the Lord, that too, makes a huge difference.
I pray that God helps this verse to continue to stick with me 
on the days when the tasks aren't as enjoyable as baking pies.

Still following,



  1. Such a great verse, and a reminder that no matter what we are doing, it is all for the Lord! Have a beautiful Sunday!

  2. Thanks for the reminder to keep our focus on the Lord, not on man!
    Mary Alice

  3. I have no idea what a hand pie looks like but it must be good if strawberry cream cheese and apple go into them! Your verse today is a timely reminder.

  4. Hi Elizabeth,
    I love your picture it made my tummy rumble. :)

    Thank you for the wonderful reminder to be thankful for the tasks and job we have to do. The first task that came to my mind to be thankful for was cleaning toilets, I detest this job but am reminded to be thankful I have toilets to clean, some homes in Beijing China do not.


  5. Stopping by for a visit from Jumping Tandem!
    What a wonderful photo.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Please add the ladies from my chronic illness group in your prayers today. May they experience the Heavenly Father's love and comfort. In Jesus name. Amen!

  6. Hey chickadee!
    I pray it sticks with me to and thank you for always an encouraging word and thought! I bet the hand pies were super yummy!
    Toddles- Sarah

  7. Love that picture Elizabeth and the imagery it and your words conjure up. Feeling warm and cozy here. And I'll remember that verse when I have to do all those Thanksgiving Day dishes. :)

  8. I think that picture is a wonderful illustration for that verse. It actually happens to be one of my very favorites. When I taught in a Christian school, I had it displayed in a huge banner that spanned the largest wall.

    I was delighted to be reading from my grandfather's old papers from seminary and discover that it was one of his favorites too.
    I never knew that. He died when I was a little girl. I just thought that was cool.

  9. I love the simple beauty of your photo, and that scripture I try to keep tucked in my heart!! When I find myself grumbling about some task or having a bad day at work, I try to remind myself of this verse. Your desserts sound amazing :) Thanks for stopping by Chaos & Coffee! Have a blessed day!!


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