
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Friday's Favs...Embracing Thanksgiving

Halloween is over so up went some little Thanksgiving touches around the house.
It seems as though once we pass Halloween, time goes super sonic on us and before you know it, we're celebrating New Years!
 I love Thanksgiving.
I'm not one to decorate for Christmas before we've even celebrated Thanksgiving.
 My little pilgrim couple and Mr. Turkey were gifts from my oldest daughter some years ago.
They come out every Thanksgiving.

And now for that Pottery Barn knock-off I promised you earlier this week...
My glittery GIVE THANKS banner!
Pottery Barn sells a glittery GIVE THANKS banner for $20, but these glitter letters, found in the Christmas ornaments at Walmart, cost 97 cents each. 
 Half the price!
All I did was hang them from a thick piece of jute twine.
I considered hot glueing them directly onto a piece of ribbon so they stayed flat and didn't move,
but I kind of like the casual, "off kilter" way they are hanging.
A little chalkboard message reminds us of the importance of giving thanks.
I've kept a gratitude journal, in which I literally count my blessings, for over three years now.
It's life changing!

It's almost Friday, friends.
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!
vintage inspiration button1aaadoveladygfairy006Stuff and Nonsense

I'm Lovin' It at TidyMomSeasonal-Sunday-Teapot-copy_thumb3
Shabby Art Boutique

Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday


  1. Thankgiving is one of my very favorite holidays, and I'm so glad it's on the way! I love your little turkey guy and wooden Pilgrim couple. I can see your heart of gratitute, Elizabeth.

    Also, I wanted to tell you that I shared your post yesterday with my Facebook friends. I felt it was a powerful message!


  2. thanksgiving has long been my favorite holiday and begins well before the actual day. i love your gratitude quote ..

  3. Thanksgiving's my favorite holiday next to Christmas. All the good food and family time at both is something I always look forward to every year!! Love your letters. Just an awesome reminder of what we should be doing daily.

  4. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!! I love the meaning, the relaxed atmosphere (compared to Christmas unfortunately) and spending quality time with family. Oh yeah, the food isn't half bad either. ;) Love your Thanksgiving touches in your home. Simple and meaningful. :)

  5. Oh, my goodness I love the color tones! And what a great idea with the letters. Suddenly looking at my mantle with new eyes...

  6. Love your Thanksgiving banner! I'm like you, I hold off until after Thanksgiving to haul out the Christmas decorations. Although you might hear Christmas music before that around the house.
    Mary Alice

  7. Being thankful and greatful for what we have - - certainly is enough!

  8. Hello kindred soul! I love Thanksgiving and I will not let Christmas bump it. I think your decorations are wonderful, and I have already pinned the chalkboard with the quote.

    Amen to the quote.

  9. A friend of mine started off poor,started a little produce market and actually ended up rich. They were a happy couple with a little boy when they started. By the time they were rich,with more time on their hands,the husband was fooling around on the wife,was on drugs, and even arrested. The wife divorced him but was now broke again. She starte the business from the ground up and married a new guy. The exact same thing happened. She knows now that sometimes we are blessed when we are a little bit poor.Only God knows how much we can handle without getting into trouble.

  10. Just love it, I have not put out my fall 'decorations yet' suppose I better do that soon. Your chalk board is very cute, you can change your words monthly or daily, it is a great idea. Love the look of your home.

  11. I love this look. Soft. Serene. Welcoming. My decor is now browns & I am wondering how to switch over. So glad to see we are also "neighbors". I am north & Seattle & would love to have a blog "party" in this region. Blessings to you & hope to connect soon, jen

  12. I also love Thanksgiving! Your banner is so pretty... I love how it looks hanging. Hope you have a great weekend!

  13. What a lovely blog! I've been blessed as I've traveled from post to post. I love your little touches on your decor for Thanksgiving. I too want to live in the moment and not get ahead of the season. This is a bit new to I love Christmas!!

  14. Elizabeth, I love, love, love! The Thanksgiving banner is just adorable! I love your eye for details! I am like you, I don't decorate for Christmas until December 1st. The seasons pass so quickly to me, that I really like to enjoy my stuff!


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