
Sunday, November 4, 2012

I will bless the Lord at all times...

The perennials are "going to sleep" for the winter.
The days are shorter.
The skies are grayer.
I don't want my praise to go dormant when the rain beats down upon me,
when the winds blow against me.
I will yet praise Him.
I will still give Him thanks.
My soul will bless the Lord at all times.
For He is good, all the time.
Summer or winter, springtime or harvest.
I will praise Him.
I will see His faithfulness all around me, in things big or things small.
I will choose to notice.
I will choose to respond in gratitude.
I will bless the Lord.
No matter the season.
I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…

3 gifts on time-
-God's provision for our needs that is always on time
-answers to prayer that seemed a long time coming, but in hindsight, were perfect and right on time
-speakers at our retreat that had the perfect messages for our ladies' and for what they are going through right now

3 gifts overjoyed-
-3 year old granddaughter so excited that we were coming over for dinner, (even though we get together every week), that she put on a special dress and hair bow just for us
-youngest granddaughter pulling herself to standing
-having a chore I dreaded doing, done!

3 gifts hallowed-
-God's name
-everything that God is
-in Christ, we are holy in God's sight

3 gifts eaten-
-Honey Nut Cheerios with sliced banana
-almonds for a quick protein snack
-my niece-in-law brought us some yummy homemade chili and cornbread 

3 gifts worn-
-my new striped hoodie
-gray suede boots
-red lipstick

3 gifts that start with N-
-November-a month of giving thanks
-Nana-just about the best thing I've ever been called
-neat-the Hubs tidied up his notoriously messy closet 

a gift gathered-
-autumn leaves and berries in my old enamelware pitcher

a gift given-
-prayer, support, love to a hurting family

a gift good-
-Jesus' forgiveness and grace

Gratefully yours,


  1. Sweet list this week, Elizabeth. And I love the one about your granddaughter dressing up in her nicest for you!

  2. I've found that the colder months are great for reading inspirational books and even going to meetings 'cos there aren't the holidays or the beaches to distract you.

  3. Love, love, love the special dress and hair bow one! It made me grin right on through the rest of them.

    I couldn't help but think that that's how we should be with our fellowship times with the LORD. No matter how often we sit down at the table with Him, we should think of it as a special occasion.

  4. Love everything about this post. Beautiful!

  5. Do we share the same garden? Those look like my plants! :D

  6. Amen!! Beautiful list. Beautiful photos. Have a blessed week! :)

  7. Hey I finally found someone who likes honey nut cheerios and banana too. Live strong 'diet' plan likes that combo and it is a good easy breakfast.
    The little one dressing up is a sweet story.
    take care

  8. Psalm 34:1 I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. I have it framed in my bathroom so it is one of the first things I see each day!! :)

  9. He is good, all the time. Bottom line.

  10. Hi Elizabeth,

    I'm counting gifts too, with you, and loved Ann's book.

    Thanks for stopping by my site.

    I appreciated your vulnerability in Emily's post. Blessings to you,

    Jennifer Dougan


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