
Monday, November 26, 2012

Let the decorating begin!

 It's not even December and I'm already done decorating for Christmas!
I think my grandkid's enthusiasm for it helped to energize me.
We even have the tree, (two trees actually, but only one real one). 
 I have a fun story about getting our tree with the grandkids, but that will have to wait for another post.
This simple little vignette is on top of my dish cabinet in the dining room.
One Christmas, my Mama, who's celebrating her second Christmas in heaven this year, 
bought me this little snowman and snowwoman when I had admired them at Target.
My two oldest granddaughter and only grandson went with me tromping through some woods
 near our house to gather some greens and holly for decorating.
This branch plopped into my enamelware pitcher looks like a miniature tree.
I find that this type of simple, clean look in decorating is appealing to me more and more.
So, have you started your Christmas decorating yet?

Still following,


  1. No, I haven't started decorating yet but I did take all of the Fall decor out of the living room today. I hope to start some decorating later this week. I'm only decorating things that are high enough our two-year-old daughter won't be able to reach when they stay here while we take our trip next week. The tree go up and the rest of our decorating will be done after we get home! Love your decorating. Did you do the holly wreath on your chalkboard?

  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    I started decorating today and the house is looking quite festive. I'll have it finished by Friday ready for December entertaining. I love the Christmas season.
    Your decorations are lovely..
    God Bless
    Barb from Australia

  3. Looks great!

    So far, I just have the tree up. I got sidetracked with shopping yesterday. Shopping with an acute case of turkey bloat isn't easy I discovered.

    Anyway, today I begin to deck the halls a little. I enjoy that much more than tree trimming.

  4. Friend, you are SOOOO ahead of me as my Fall decor is still making its ascension into the upstairs attic. Everything looks lovely. I like snowmen too and I love what you've done with yours. Have a great day! You are an inspiration to loafers like me.

  5. I too, am wanting to "simplify" Christmas decorating this year. Your Mr. & Mrs. Snowman are precious. Blessings...Pam

  6. I too, am wanting to "simplify" Christmas decorating this year. Your Mr. & Mrs. Snowman are precious. Blessings...Pam

  7. i began a bit of "simple" decorating .. yesterday. hoping to finish up tonight. need to purchase another string of lights for our little tree and figure out a way to display our angel without appearing to be in a noose. wink. i'll share pics of decorations in my kitchen, later today.

    *****love***** your clean lines of Christmas cheer.

  8. I love your Christmas things, and I really love snowmen! Good job on being finished already! I'm in the thick of it right now, and I'm enjoying every minute. I think about this all year long! I have so many Christmas treasures that range from pretty to cute to old fashioned, but somehow I manage to make it all work...or at least I hope so! ;)
    Christmas Blessings,

  9. LOVE what you've done on your cabinet top! If I don't decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving day, I don't know when I'd get it done. Thankfully my daughter was home to help!
    Mary Alice

  10. I love the simplicity of your decorations. I'm wondering if I'll decorate at all. Hmm. I believe I was feeling this same way last year.

  11. I was looking forward to this post to see how you were decorating, absolutly fabulous! I love it!

  12. Ideas are spinning, but nothing is actually done here yet! Yours is beautiful; love the chalkboard!

  13. Your decor is beautiful! I have not started decorating yet. We don't have too many decorations, just enough for our main room. I keep telling myself I need to buy more, but it hasn't happened yet!

  14. I am all done too (except for the tree) ~ I have a Christmas party I am hosting this weekend! I love your new header!!


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