
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Mama's Christmas...a re-post

I was sitting in my office having my quiet time with Handel's Messiah playing softly in the background.
I was hoping some inspiration would strike for a blog post for today, 
but truly I seem to have writer's block of late.
Instead of stressing over it, I decided to repost this piece I wrote last year, 
about my Mama's first Christmas in heaven.
She's the one who taught me to love Handel's Messiah.
Christmas is a bit different this year
with Mama spending her first Christmas
with The Reason for The Season Himself
She’s the one who first taught me to love Handel’s Messiah
on those big, black, platter sized records
playing on the stereo encased in that big cabinet
that was still a part of her furniture up til the end
I’m wondering if Handel is conducting
an orchestra of angels
and a choir of cherubims
in a live performance
for the Messiah Himself
I like to think that Mama has a front row seat
and when they get to the Hallelujah Chorus
all of heaven stands
in ovation to the One Who Reigns Forever and Ever
and Mama claps the loudest
because now she really knows for sure
that He is and He does
Christmas is a bit different this year
for us
but especially for Mama
who’s having her Merriest Christmas ever

Still following,


  1. Beautiful my friend! Your mama is having the most beautiful Christmas ever, every day, in heaven. Thank you for sharing again!

  2. Our church school has a Mothers Prayer Group that meets on wednesday mornings right after you drop your student off. I am a grandma but attend since my grandson goes there. Yesterday one of the mothers had a problem and something you had in one of your posts came to my mind and I used it as an illustration to her. She was helped by it as I was. So I want to thank you again for doing this blog.

  3. It's a beautiful post and so worthy of the reprint.

    Also, you asked on my blog how I handled the photo storage thing, and I have to tell you that I have been concerned because I can not remember exactly how to buy new storage. It seems like in times past I got an email alert, but I can't even remember which email account it went for. It was for five dollars a year, but I can't remember how long ago it was. So... now I'm wondering if I am going to run out.

  4. It's still strange to do Christmas without our mamas, yes? Glad you reposted this. I still miss my mom, even though I know she's deliriously more happy where she is now than she ever could be down here.

  5. I dread this day. My mom is beginning to lose her marbles. Every day she knows me is a treasure. Thanks for this.

  6. oh, my, this is so beautiful...I'm glad you re-posted, Elizabeth, so I got to read it...praying God comforts you when you miss your mama...hugs :)


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