
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pre-Thanksgiving Thanks Giving...

Thanksgiving is so much more than a day.
It's a lifestyle.
A choice to both notice and count your blessings.
A decision to have an attitude of gratitude in your life.
So many, many blessings all around me.
So many reasons to give thanks.
Thank You, God, for Your blessings in my life.
I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…

3 gifts at noon-
-3 year old granddaughter and baby granddaughter at our house for the afternoon and evening
-grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup and popcorn for lunch (this combination is a "family tradition")
-the Hubs home with us because he took Veteran's Day off

3 gifts behind a door-
-bathrooms with hot and cold running water and flush toilets
-my home office aka my sanctuary
-youngest daughter's old toys in a bin in the bedroom closet, a delight to the grand babies now

3 gifts silent-
-morning quiet for my devotions
-trying to learn to listen more, speak less
-three year old granddaughter instructing us that on her birthday she wants us to not sing Happy Birthday too loudly, then "whisper singing" to show us how

3 gifts golden-
-a carpet of golden leaves on my walking path today
-granddaughter's golden hair
-rows of golden leaved fruit trees when we went through the Hood River Valley on our day off

3 gifts hard eucharisteo-
-unmet needs
-unhealed hurts
-unresolved issues
and the God who helps us with them all

3 gifts of laughter-
-laughing with the ladies of our church at a baby shower
-laughing at the Hubs jokes
-always laughing at the grandkid's funny saying and antics

a gift made-
-apple and strawberry cream cheese hand pies
a gift shared-
-the hand pies with the ladies at the shower
a gift passed on-
-the recipe given to a friend

Still following,


  1. Lovely list. I like the instructions on how to sing Happy Birthday. ;) And those hard eucharisteos you give thanks for? I can relate to that list. Thankful for the God who helps us through it all.

  2. Oh Elizabeth, the 3 year old is a girl after my own heart--that's the cutest thing I've ever heard--not wanting you guys to sing too loudly--my sentiment exactly--have a blessed Thanksgiving my precious friend!

  3. Sweet babies, and thankful list.
    Happy you and yours.

  4. Gorgeous little girls and a wonderful list of ThanksLiving. :)

  5. adorable little girls, and lovely photos...laughing ...what a gift...Happy Thanksgiving, Elizabeth :)

  6. Oh hands down my very favorite one this week is the whisper singing! That is so adorable to me. When my older daughter was little, she used to ask me to sing in "your voice". She finally showed me that "my voice" was a falsetto rather than my usual alto.

    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and you are so right that it is not a day but a lifestyle. Our worship leader called it an "attitude" on Sunday, but I like lifestyle even better.


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