
Friday, November 23, 2012

Psalm 118:24

I bet you didn't know that New York City isn't the only place with a Macy's parade!
Portland has a Macy's holiday parade the day after Thanksgiving.
When Macy's bought out a beloved Oregon department store that had sponsored the parade for years, Macy's agreed to keep the parade going.
It's not as grand as the one in New York, of course, but we still love it.
When the kids and grandkids are with us for Thanksgiving, it's our tradition to get up early the next day and head downtown for the parade, rain or shine!
Today it was rainy, but we still had a great day, and plenty of reasons to rejoice.
I love it, that in spite of the fact that Santa was the star of the show, and the parade was called a "holiday parade" not a "Christmas parade", the true meaning of Christmas gets in via the songs.
Today songs such as Oh Come All Ye Faithful and The Hallelujah Chorus were a part of the celebration.
'Tis the season and Jesus is the Reason and you just can't hide it!

Still following,

button2Scripture and Snapshot


  1. How fun that you have a wonderful parade nearby! Yes, it's hard to keep Jesus out of Christmas as well as pointless. I love the songs that sing of his birth. I pray that this Christmas many will come to know the true meaning of Christmas and what HE stands for. Enjoy your posts and pics, and wish you a Blessed Christmas.

  2. No, you really CAN'T hide it! Jesus IS the Reason. Let Him shine! What a wonderful tradition for you. Glad you were able to take it in.

  3. even if society were silent, the rocks would cry out, "JESUS IS LORD!" ♥ i haven't been to a parade in years...

  4. The parade looks like so much fun! What wonderful memories for your grandchildren :-)

  5. I haven't been to the parade for many years. What a fun tradition for your family. When I was young my first job was in downtown Portland. I always had to work the day after Thanksgiving but everyone in my office was much older and they were good to me - they always 'sent' me downstairs to watch the parade! It was always a highlight of my Thanksgiving weekend. Having to go to work wasn't much fun - I would have loved to have the day off but watching the parade was a real treat! Thanks for sharing this year's parade. Think I'll have to go next year!

  6. Hi Elizabeth,
    What a wonderful parade!!!
    I'm happy that the traditional Christmas hymns and songs celebrating the birth of Jesus are still being sung.
    Have a good day
    Barb from Australia

  7. How much fun is that! I wish we had a parade like that in our city. Have a beautiful week.

  8. Hi Elizabeth
    I am a South African girl and this year for the first time in my life I celebrated Thanksgiving through all the posts on the blogs of all you dear ladies! South Africa does not have an official Thanksgiving day.
    And now the joy continues with these lively photo's. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I didn't know the Macy's parade went to Portland. Just another reason I want to spend a year living in Portland. :)

  10. How fun! I didn't know Macy's parades were anywhere other than New York. Hearing The Hallelujah Chorus live would be a treat.

  11. Happy for you and yours. Could be so much fun.

    BTW, I'll be posting about our meeting time soon. Still so buried in other things, but had such a lovely time with you I don't want to never get it handled. YOU are on my spiritual plate.



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