
Friday, November 9, 2012

Psalm 128:3

This Psalm begins with the promise that the man who fears,  (reveres), the Lord and walks in His ways
will be blessed.
It says that he will eat the fruit of the labor of his hands and it shall be well with him.
Then comes the verse in the photo above, about his wife being like a fruitful vine and his children like olive plants.
I love the word pictures in the Bible, and I love the thought of being a fruitful vine in the heart of my home, and my children, and now grandchildren, being like olive trees seated all around our table.
What a beautiful picture of the blessing of God.

Still following,



  1. One of my olive trees made the dinner we ate tonight..a delicious roast chicken with all the trimmings. What a blessing!

  2. I love this!! Wonderful promise!
    Mary Alice

  3. Really beautiful, and a great verse. I am trying to make our home nice. It is often a challenge. Yes the grand children and children make every tired moment worth it.

  4. ... yes ... the gift of children and now the grandchildren makes life complete, rich, full.


  5. Oh the wonderful gift of children and the blessings that follow them. Beautiful verse and lovely picture to go with it.


  6. What a wonderful encouraging post! It can sometimes be difficult to revere the Lord but it yields such sweet fruit! May He grant that we continue in faithfulness!

  7. This is so beautiful!!

    Hope you have a blessed Sunday...♥

  8. What a beautiful picture your words gave me! So glad I stopped by from Fresh Brewed Sunday!

    1. Thank you, Mary! I like to go to the commenters blog to reply if possible, but couldn't seem to for you. Hope you see this!

  9. Love that God used such concrete normal things to demonstrate such amazing concepts, like being planted and fruitful. We can see His hand everywhere.

    1. I agree, Alia! What an excellent reminder! I love that perspective!

  10. I strive to be a fruitful vine and a good example for my children. Thanks so much for linking up today!

  11. Good creativity for the Word. AND, I think you ARE a vine. You have a heart for the spiritual growth of others and filled with an intense love and joy. [A blessing to having met you and spent that lovely time. And having you met my friend who needs you. THAT was a blessing, too.] I'll be posting about our meeting in the next few days.

  12. Inspiring words for home and family. We were blessed to visit Israel this past May. We saw the vineyards and olive groves. The word pictures became vivid. God wants to bless us as we live in obedience. I enjoyed your post.

  13. I love the Psalms and this one especially!! I dropped over from "Fresh Brewed Sundays" from WholeHearted Home.


  14. thank you elizabeth
    for the beautiful, deep and wonderful message

    god bless you


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