
Friday, November 2, 2012

Song of Solomon 2:10

I took this photo a while back when the Hubs and I were at Lake Washington, northeast of Seattle.
It's right near the college we attended when we dated and became engaged.
It's one of our favorite places to go back to thirty six years later.
I have favorite places where I've met with God in a special way as well.
A certain place He spoke to me on a getaway to the sea.
A place by the river where I go and sit and read my Bible on warm days.
On rainy days,  I sometimes get in the car with my Bible and journal, grab my favorite coffee drink,  and drive to the park and sit there in the car and meet with Him.
Sometimes it really helps to get out of the normal routine of having my devotions at home and to "come away" with Him. 
It makes it special, rather like a date.
I recommend it if you feel you're in a slump, bored, or in a dry place, in your walk with God.

Still following,



  1. Hi Elizabeth,
    Your post is a lovely encouragement on ways to keep our relationship with God vital and fresh...Thank You ..
    Barb from Australia

  2. That is a gorgeous place to meet with God. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and faith, friend.

  3. What a neat idea. I've never really thought of going somewhere else!

  4. I have favorite places to meet with God, too. I haven't gone back to some of them for so long. Maybe it's time!

  5. Love the advice to get away with Him. A fresh place for fresh vision, new perspective. Visiting from the Sunday community. thanks for the blessing today.

  6. Beautiful. I had a deadline for a writing, and was right up on the final day - only nothing was coming together - and there I sat in Panera (my "writing desk"), panicking. I kept feeling like God was telling me to come away with Him. My answer, was of course, "Sure, as soon as I get this done! Oooh, please help me!" Finally, I packed up, and did just that - went away with Him, to a park - and wouldn't you know it, after reading my Bible for a little while and sitting and just being with Him...the writing came to me. 45 mins later, it was done. Your picture and the verse really captured it.

  7. I love the picture, story and verse. And the freshness of coming away with Him.
    (I also love seeing a Seattle picture. My husband and I lived there for six years, in Shoreline, when we were church planting! We are now in PA.)


  8. Beautiful image and beautiful verse. Love it!

  9. Elizabeth...this picture...that verse...and your good! Just what I needed to hear today...thank you!

    1. P.S. Have been listening to the music on your blog since last night...what lovely choices! I feel enraptured...especially by the words and melodies of Julie Meyer. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

  10. I will remember this..nothing like adding something a little different to a relationship..even with the Lord. Variety is the spice of life! I hope you have a wonderful week Elizabeth.

  11. Just a quiet five minutes or so can make all the difference in how the day goes doesn't it?

  12. I have those places too. One while in college that brings back such fond memories of the way he spoke destiny to my heart. Thanks for this reminder Elizabeth. Happy Sunday to you.

  13. What a beautiful photo and verse! I just love Song of Solomon!! I think it's wonderful to have special places to go to be alone with the Lord. Mine are usually around our family farm, just going for slow, quiet walks and talking with Him along the way. Thanks for sharing, have a blessed day!! :)

  14. Rose hips! I love the dogwood rose, very pretty and this picture is beautiful.

  15. Yes we must 'come away' for quiet time, even Jesus did that, often. Get away and alone.
    Let's follow his example.

  16. I love the Song of Solomon. What a beautiful photo, and how wonderful to have a place to run away with God!


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