
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Wonderful weekend thanks...

We have had an amazing weekend, but the kind that wrings you out and leaves you limp and tired.
While my body wants to stay in bed sipping comforting hot drinks and watching nonsensical Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel, my heart is full of hope and happy expectation.
We had a whole weekend full of ministry at our church and saw so many people set free from past wounds, bondage, guilt, sin and unforgiveness.
There is nothing as rewarding as seeing people encounter the love of God and experience wholeness!
I'm rejoicing.
I'm grateful.
I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…

3 gifts acorn small-
-grapes, my favorite
-peanut M&M's for my granddaughter
-baby granddaughter's cute little nose

3 gifts government-
-our freedom to worship
-our constitution

3 gifts from my window-
-orangish glow of the sun coming up
-frost on the grass
-the cedar branches dripping with dew

a gift sweet-
-red grapes,(again)

a gift salty-
-mutigrain tortilla chips

a gift sipped-
-morning coffee with just a hint of cream

3 gifts harvest-
-a squash waiting for me to make my first attempt at butternut squash soup
-the Christmas season oranges are in at the store
-a crisper drawer full of apples

3 gifts found in Bible reading-
-reading Colossians with She Reads Truth

3 gifts of remembrance-
-remembering my Daddy, a WWII Navy vet, on this Veteran's Day weekend
-Mama's things found here and there around my home
-taking communion in remembrance of Him and His death for me

Gratefully yours,


  1. To see God move in another's life is always an amazing, thrilling event. What a beautiful weekend!

  2. You're so full of encouragement! Thanks for sharing your heart with us so much. The Lord shines right in and through you, Elizabeth!

  3. Nice picture and challenge, yes I have read Ann's book and do the challenge but not on paper, that is what I need next, a journal book. Thanks for the encouragement.

  4. Wonderful list. Your photos are beautiful.

  5. Gorgeous photos and a great list of gratitude. :)

  6. Just realized your new building is like right around the corner from my home! We are gonna come visit you one of these Sundays soon!


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