
Monday, November 26, 2012

Worth the wait...

We waited Thanksgiving dinner until late in the evening.
We usually eat our annual feast mid-afternoon, but we were expecting a very special guest, 
who's plane wouldn't arrive until 6:30 p.m.
My second born daughter and two oldest grandkids flew in from the east coast.
My youngest daughter and her friend and we planned to eat mid-afternoon as usual 
and heat up the leftovers for the late arrivals.
However, my eight year old grandson was quite upset that he wouldn't be there for the actual sit-down traditional meal.
We decided he was worth waiting for.
His smile at Thanksgiving dinner, (and of course, the rest of my loved ones too), is one of the many things I'm thankful for this week.
I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…


3 gifts autumn-
-shopping for the groceries for Thanksgiving dinner
-baking for the "big day"
-planning and preparing for family coming

3 gifts of traditions-
-making the same favorite, traditional foods year after year
-baking pies with my youngest daughter, the best pie baker in the family
-going to the holiday parade the day after Thanksgiving

3 gifts family-
-anticipating all my children and grandchildren together
-a quiet morning with the Hubs before they all arrive
-seeing the four grandchildren all together, "the cousins"

a gift grateful-
-God's great love
-that His love never fails
-so many, many, blessings-unearned, undeserved

3 gifts only in Christ-
-salvation in Him alone
-eternal life
-unconditional love

3 gifts humble-
-crayon drawings stuck to the frig with magnets
-sweet oldest granddaughter helping me, without me asking or expecting her to, clean up after the downstairs toilet overflowed
-a cheap, fake Christmas tree for the grandkids to decorate by themselves, but which brought them great delight

3 gifts ugly-beautiful-
-that same cheap, fake tree, quite lovely once they decorated it
-our "real" tree for the living room, with it's crooked-y top that we didn't notice until we got it home
-me, when I'm over tired, over fed, and under exercised

Gratefully yours,


  1. So happy that you enjoyed a wonderful THanksgiving. Your table was lovely, as is your dear family.

  2. I'm glad you honored your grandson's request to wait. This will give him confidence to ask for what he wants, not only from other people, but from our savior, as well. We are told, we do not have because we do not ask. Love the pics. :)

  3. A beautiful setting--so glad you made memories with those you love so much and yes, he was worth waiting for--I find it so charming that a sit-down Thanksgiving dinner was so important to a boy his age--sounds like some "good raising" to me.

  4. totally worth the wait. :)
    he'll never forget this.

  5. Such a wonderful table of blessings!

  6. Absolutely beautiful list!! His grin is priceless. :)

  7. I'm so glad you waited. I know it made the day so much more wonderful. I'm glad you're blessed with family at home right now, too. Your list will write itself!


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