
Sunday, December 2, 2012

And so it begins...

It's the first Sunday of Advent, and now it's the mad dash until the BIG DAY.
Except I'm refusing the mad part and the dashing part.
 I'm determined to 
walk in peace
enjoy this season with my friends and loved ones, 
draw nearer to God 
continue to notice and count my blessings.
I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…

3 gifts preparing-
-decorating the tree
-touches of Christmas here and there around the house
-quieting my heart to prepare Him room

a gift handmade-
-homemade noodles for a big pot of turkey noodles to share with the whole family
a gift held-
-youngest granddaughter
a gift happy-
-her first birthday
3 gifts in community-
-sharing prayer requests
-working through difficulties together
-rejoicing together

3 gifts red-
-old red Tonka truck
-little red mittens that my girls used to wear
-a red  sweatshirt type top, (that my Hubs gave me as a gift years ago, and which he evidently forgot about),  that the Hubs said he really likes when I wore it recently

3 gifts astonishing-
-God's love
-that Jesus died for me
-that He never gives up on me

3 gifts white-
-white lights on the tree
-white wool snowflakes
-fresh, white pages in my new journal

3 gifts bright-
-candles glowing
-morning sun before afternoon clouds and rain
-the way my grandkid's smiles light up their whole faces

Gratefully yours,


  1. I love all of your Christmas decor!

  2. no mad dash here either...I am quieting in the blog my life...seeing where the “star” leads...and oh that adorable little one...just precious...blessings to you Elizabeth~

  3. I have determined in my heart and mind to slow down and allow this 'time' to not be cluttered with must have's and must do's and anxiety over gifts. The little kids are going to be happy with whatever they receive and the joy in slowing down is worth it.

  4. Thank you for visiting my blog, Sweet Blessings. Nice to "meet" you! :)

    Lovely post and lovely pictures.

  5. Exactly what I have determined over the past 10 years - Christmas is for LOVE and for CARING - not shopping. It is for FAMILY and FRIENDS not stores. It is for HELPING AND SHARING not getting.

    Many blessings this season as we wait the arrival of Christ. In anticipation.

  6. refusing to do a mad dash, to slow down and savor, to making homemade noodles with turkey, to the Joy Dare!


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