Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve ...

I couldn't let Christmas come and go without posting my gratitude.
These lists of thanks are just inadequate snippets of daily blessings that I notice and record.
I'm sure there are dozens, hundreds, thousands more that I don't notice or don't record.
God is so lavish in His goodness that it's impossible to pen it all.
But you out there, I do notice, I do give thanks for you, those that read, those that follow, 
those that keep me going with your encouraging comments.
Thank you.
May your Christmas overflow with joy and may the lavish love of God overwhelm you.
Merriest of Christmases everybody.
I’ve taken the Joy Dare.

I’m counting one thousand thanks in one year.

I hunt for thanksgiving using the prompts Ann gives us each month.

If you are interested in joining in, click the link above or at the bottom of this post.

I continue to count my thanks

piling up gratitude day by day

in my little black journal…

3 gifts frosted-
-the ground frosted with 1/2 inch of sloppy, wet snow, 
just enough for our grandkids to make  a snowman with a celery nose and pepperoni eyes
-making sugar cookies with my daughters and granddaughters,
and them debating if they should be frosted or not, since one of them doesn't like frosting
-cranberry walnut cinnamon rolls with orange buttercream frosting made for Christmas morning breakfast

3 gifts miraculous-
-Jesus' birth-God in the flesh.
-His sinless life and sacrificial death
-His resurrection and His promised return

3 gifts manger small-

-oldest daughter's good old pug dog who died this week
-one year old granddaughter walking now
-see our great niece, almost a year old, at our family Christmas dinner

3 gifts angelic song-
-oldest granddaughter thinking that the words to Joy to the World are
"let every heart, prepare His broom"
-Handel's Messiah playing while I have my devotions
-my only grandson singing Christmas carols with me while we dip pretzels and cookies in chocolate

3 gifts lit-
-a warm fire in the fireplace
-fragrant candles
-two Christmas trees all lit up

a gift with rejoicing-
-"all I have needed, His hand has provided"

a gift with wonder-
-His constantly amazingly beautiful creation
a gift with praising-
-Truelife Church

3 gifts starry-
-homemade twig star on top of our tree
-gold stars on brown paper packages
-zinc stars hanging from fir branches

Gratefully yours,


  1. And you, dear friend, are on my gratitude list! That's quite the snowman! Have a wonderful Christmas Eve Day and a special day tomorrow.

  2. Merry Christmas to you, Elizabeth. I am very thankful to have found your blog this year, and look forward to reading more in 2013. In His grace....

  3. Merry Christmas to you and your family from your Florida reader. Thank you for your gift to others (your blog).

  4. Hmm,wonder why after reading your blog, I now feel in the mood for pizza?

  5. Your broom comment reminded me of my 'nieces little one' who sang go tell it on the mountain... that Jesus Christ was brown.


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