
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The grandkid's tree...

When I knew that my second born daughter and her family would be staying with us until their trip to Ghana in February for the Homabenase well project, I knew I wanted my two oldest grandkids to have some special things at "Nana's house" just for them.
So, in the only space in the house that I could think of that would work, my home office,
 I let them have their own Christmas tree, completely decorated by just them.
The presents under the tree are gifts they've bought to give to others.
This morning, as I go into my office, turn on Handel's Messiah, and open my Bible and journal for my quiet time, the tree shining there in the corner, blesses, not just them, but it blesses me.

Still following,

sharing at Emily's for Tuesdays Unwrapped


  1. They are great decorators! And they will remember your willingness to let them have that tree always.

  2. Love that Elizabeth. My kids had their own trees in their rooms as kids and now as teenagers don't care anymore. So I put their trees in other rooms and our whole house is illuminated now. Lovely photos, especially like the truck. :)

  3. Hi Elizabeth,
    Your grandkids have done a beautiful job on their looks wonderful twinkling away in your office.
    What lovely memories for you and them.
    Have a good day
    Barb from Australia

  4. What a beautiful, grace-filled spot, Elizabeth.


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