
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Arise, shine...

I listen to it for two or three months, over and over and over.
Handel's Messiah plays via my iPhone as I close the door to my home office and have my morning devotions.  
It plays through my earphones while I go on my daily walk/run.
 I put my phone on the iPhone dock in the living room, 
filling the house with Handel's music as done by the London Philharmonic,
 as I do the dishes and mop the floors.
It's in my mind, my thoughts, my heart, the words of Scripture put to music.
The story of the Messiah, the prophecies of His coming, His birth, His death, His resurrection,
 His return, all there in this heaven born music penned so long ago.
It's my constant companion through the holiday season, 
and even after it lingers in my mind and thoughts.
The words of Isaiah 60 won't leave me.

Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the Lord will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.
The Gentiles shall come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising.

The words become personal.
Him in me and I in Him.
His light filling me so full that His glory is seen upon me.
Me like a God-magnet that others are drawn to.
Not to me, Elizabeth, but to Him, to the Jesus in me.
It becomes a prayer.
In the darkness, arise over me.
Let Your glory be seen in me.
Let others come to the Light through me.
It becomes the cry of my heart.
It is the cry of my heart.
Shine, Jesus, shine.

Still following,


  1. It's been one of those mornings for me & I'm reading about the darkness here & realizing that I still have a tendency to slip into darkness, so now I'm praying along with you Elizabeth, for Jesus to shine His light into my dark places. Pretty sure He hears & answers our prayers! Love, in Jesus, Cynthia

  2. I was reading that same scripture just this morning. A beautiful verse for sure. Blessings

    1. That's wonderful, Mary. It's one of my favorite chapters.

  3. There is something so majestic and powerful about that music. Definately birthed in heaven!! I've just started following your posts and they are very encouraging! Blessings, Diane

  4. It is glorious music.

  5. I like the shining part better than the darkness part. :-)

    The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. Pr 4:18

  6. Recently someone said they were worried because the world around us is getting darker and darker. As I drove later than day the thought came to my heart - Jesus is STILL the Light of the World. And He shines brighter and brighter as the world gets darker and darker. And He shines through me - a light in the darkness!

  7. Love how you took His words and the music in so deeply and let it transform you, Elizabeth...Good to see you :)

  8. Wow, I'm just shamed right now, as at the moment I'm listening to the GLEE cast soundtrack. Oops. But I too LOVE Handel's messiah, and those words are so beautiful, we can't be reminded of them enough. Thank you!!

  9. This is music that blesses the soul. I love to hear that you are saturating yourself in the life and promises of our Lord. I wish I could spend just one day doing the same.

  10. Haven't commented before but I just had to today. Thank you!

    Thank you for your wonderful blog - I look forward to each new post.

  11. Every time I visit your blog I feel like I've had a breath of fresh air...or a bite of celery. I love celery. So clean-tasting.

  12. Arise and shine and give God the glory !!!!!

  13. Hi Elizabeth
    I am glad visited from Mindy's for I have found another Handel fan! Yes, his music speaks to my hear! What can I say, but ... Christ in me, my hope of glory!
    Much love

  14. I used to read that verse many a time with a longing in my heart for that light to shine in and around me. And, I'll never forget the day years ago when He spoke those words deep in my heart, confirming that they were no longer a promise but a reality.

    Beautiful posting... lovely blog.... a kindred spirit in Him!

    Wishing you glimpses of heaven,


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