
Thursday, January 31, 2013

Friday's Favs.....a sweet and simple Valentine banner

I've said it before and I'll say it again.
I believe I may be stuck at about a third grade level in my crafting skills.
If I can do it, an 8 year old can probably do it as well.

All this simple Valentine banner took was some pages from an old hymnal I bought at the Salvation Army, (or any old music pages you don't mind cutting up).
Then you'll need some red printer paper or construction paper, 
some red and white baker's twine, 
and some felt heart stickers found at the craft store this time of year.

First, I cut out medium sized hearts from the hymnal pages.
Using stamps, I stamped "I love you"on the first one,
"a bushel" on the second, 
"and" on the third 
and "a peck" on the last one.
I cut hearts out of red printer paper about 1/4 inch bigger than than the hymnal page hearts
and glued the hymnal hearts on them with a glue stick.
Using a sharp steak knife I made small slits for the bakers twine to go through.

I strung the hearts on the bakers twine with a smaller hymnal heart with a felt heart sticker on it in between each of the larger hearts.
The baker's twine is simply held in place on the smaller hearts by being stuck between the hymnal page heart and the felt sticker.

Sweet, simple and it maybe took a half hour to make.
It's a cute and cheery addition over my kitchen window,
and the grandkids love it since this is one of the songs I often sing to them.

Well, it's almost Friday, friends.
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
a BLESSED weekend!

I'm Lovin' It at TidyMomvintage inspiration button              1aaadoveladygfairy006

Shabby Art Boutique                
Adorned From Above

Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday


  1. Then I must be stuck as a 5 year old at my level of crafting, because I would never come up with a banner like this one! It really looks great against your valance, too, Elizabeth!

  2. Oh, that song means so much to me as my grandmama sang it to me my whole life. I whispered it in her ear the day she passed away. I'm going to have to do this.

  3. I love your banner! I sing that song to my dear, little mother every time I hug her and tell her goodbye! My father used to sing it to me and I began to sing it to her right after he died. It's a sweet thing just between the two of us.

  4. That is such a nifty cute. My kitchen curtains are similar so this would really work great. So cute!!!

  5. Sweet, simple and very pretty! Blessings...

  6. Very sweet banner, Elizabeth. I like easy and quick!
    Mary Alice

  7. I love you banner a bushel and a.... oh, and the back ground of the dish towel curtain header is such a great combo ... so pretty!!

  8. Beautiful banner! I am enjoying following your blog. If you get a chance, visit me at Maddiebella Home, and follow me back. Looking forward to sharing our inspirations.

    Have a blessed weekend!

    Betty (Maddiebella Home)

  9. I love it! Glad to see you feeling better.

  10. The banner is super cute and I love your valance!

  11. It's so perfect Elizabeth. Thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday.

  12. This is really cute! Thank you for sharing this at the Make it Pretty Monday party at The Dedicate House. Hope to see your prettiness again on Monday. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse


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