
Sunday, February 17, 2013

A blessed and busy week...

What a week it's been for my husband and the team he has with him building the well and irrigation system for the village of Homabenase, Ghana, West Africa!
As we have found to be all too typical working there, 
there have been complications and set backs and challenges with the project.
Your continued prayers that God removes the hindrances and helps our team complete the well and irrigation system this week would be much appreciated.
On the home front, I'm caring for the two oldest grandkids since their mama and daddy are in Ghana as well.
I've been transportation back and forth to school, homework checker, sibling squabbles referee, etc.
I'm a bit tuckered out, but still blessed, always blessed.
And I'm still counting, always counting.

In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)


-enjoying a hot Grande Americano after dropping the grandkids off at school
-a beautiful morning to sip my coffee and have my devotions sitting in the car, 
waiting for the bank to open
-two tired grandkids that went to sleep at 7:30

-phone call from the Hubs that they all landed safely in Ghana
-early release from school for the grandkids, so we had a bit of fun that included root beer floats and stopping to see the baby chicks and puppies at the local feed store
-making chocolate dipped "cupidmallows" with the grandkids
-a big surprise! a gift card from my friend for something I've really wanted for a long time
-the grandkids playing nicely together all evening

-my morning call from the Hubs
-progress on the release of the equipment for the well
-tucking the grandkids in and saying prayers with them

-talking to my Valentine
-the team in Ghana with good attitudes in spite of lots of setbacks
-heart shaped pancakes
-an unexpected delivery-flowers from the Hubs
-a dress up Valentine dinner out with the grandkids

-granddaughter's 4th birthday
-foggy morning clearing to a cloudless, spring-like day
-spending the day with a friend
-youngest grandbaby age one, asking for hugs as I'm leaving their house

-starting the day with coffee, Bible, journal and peace and quiet while the two oldest grands sleep in
-my daily phone call from Ghana
-4 year old granddaughter's birthday party
-spending the afternoon with my youngest daughter and the two oldest grands
-goodnight text from the Hubs

-speaking at church on my favorite topic to teach about, (the renewing of the mind)
-a wonderful Sunday afternoon nap
-the four grandkids playing together 

Gratefully yours,


  1. "Counting" DOES bring perspective, doesn't it? "Counting" is a significant part of "renewing the mind". Keep "counting", Elizabeth. (And I just prayed for continuing grace and supply for for your husband & the entire team....)

  2. Sweet post. Love the flowers from afar.

  3. What a sweet treat from your hubby! I love unexpected surprises and blessings from afar.

  4. Elizabeth, you make it all sound so easy. :) It really does sound like wonderful days. I know you are enjoying your grands.

  5. I love this post, so real and so thankful. I like the idea of dating your "thanks," I'll start adding that detail to my journal. Will pray for the team in Ghana, and for you at home with the adorable grands.

    Hugs ~ Mary

    1. Thanks so much, Mary! I'm so happy to "meet" you! Welcome as a new follower too!

  6. What a wonderful week--I think the greatest gifts are those ordinary days that we sometimes take so for granted--

    However you had several extraordinary blessings and they sounded wonderful.

    I always LOVE reading your gratitude list.

  7. Beautiful post! I too, am following Ann Voscamp and the gratitude journaling. Isn't it funny how many gratitude entries include time spending with our grandchildren? They bring such joy to our lives, don't they? I really like reading your blog.

  8. Beautiful post! I too, am following Ann Voscamp and the gratitude journaling. Isn't it funny how many gratitude entries include time spending with our grandchildren? They bring such joy to our lives, don't they? I really like reading your blog.

  9. I love watching my gratitude count get larger and larger. It reminds me how big the God I serve is. Love your flowers. Instead of coveting your flowers, I'll pray up your husband's project. I love watching God answer prayers. He just answered one of mine. (and between you and me, he answered it the way I hoped he would. that doesn't happen too often. :))

  10. My you've been busy, but in a good sort of way. You sound like such a wonderful grandma. Hope your week is off to a good start and that lots of blessings come your way in the coming days too. xo

  11. That husband of yours is a very smart man. What he is doing is not just nice and thoughtful, it is living life on purpose. By keeping his mind on you he not only doesn't stray, but he causes you to flourish and be better which ultimately benefits him too. When my dad was in the navy and overseas, many of the other guys cheated on their wives. My mom said she knew dad never did because he worked extra shifts and wrote her such long letters (many with artwork included for her enjoyment)every single day that she knew he had his mind on her only and there was no time for fooling around. You both have quite a gift in each other, what a blessing.

  12. Cute, cute pictures of your grandchildren. Sweet blessings! I trust the team in Ghana are able to finish the project without further problems.
    Mary Alice


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