
Tuesday, February 12, 2013


With the Hubs, Mommy and Daddy, and a team from our church in Ghana building a well and irrigation system for a village there,
I'm home caring for my oldest granddaughter and only grandson.
We've been busy with commuting back and forth to their school, (a half hour one way from my house),
doing homework and not so fun stuff like that.
Tonight we took some time to do something together just for fun.
We took the large heart shaped marshmallows that are out for Valentine's Day, "Cupidmallows",
and dipped a cake pop stick in melted chocolate bark.
We poked it in the cupidmallow, then stuck them in the freezer for a few minutes until the chocolate was firm and the marshmallows chilled.
Then we dipped them in the melted chocolate bark and dipped some in crushed peanuts and some in coconut.
 What a fun and simple Valentine treat to make with the kiddos!

Still following,



  1. I love the strawberry heart marshmallows in my hot chocolate. Your pops are adorable and sound great! What a little cutie he is, too.
    Happy valentines!!

  2. I'm sure these were a big hit! The heart marshmallows are darling!


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