
Tuesday, February 26, 2013


I do two types of dreaming,
there are the dreams of my heart,
prayers really,
the kind of dreams that are eternal,
to touch this world for God's kingdom,
to see our descendants serve Him passionately
to see the greater things that He has promised.
Then there are the dreams of my imagination,
the creative dreams,
I'd like to paint this,
redecorate that,
make this,
learn to do that,
the I'd like to do this or see that dreams,
go to France,
see Paris preferably in the spring,
go to Great Britain,
see Scotland with my Scottish husband.
These dreams are fun, but not life or death important, I know that.
So, I hold these kinds of dreams lightly,
whereas the dreams of my heart,
prayers really,
you will never be able to pry those dreams out of my heart.

Still following,

( photo processed with one layer of Kim's cherish texture, hard light mode, 80% opacity)


  1. You have a perfect perspective on your dreams. I'm glad you shared it.

  2. Beautiful thoughts as well as lovely image!!

  3. Really pretty, Elizabeth!!

  4. Pursuing the perfect balance in all things in life is not always easy but it seems to me that your dreams and your prayers definitely know their place.

    Love the image as well!

  5. This is beautiful, Elizabeth. I love your thoughts.

  6. Love your dreams... and share many of them with you! :) Lovely. I also LOVE the photo in your header. Mmm... blue and white, English looking dishes, are my favorite. - Pam, Apples of Gold,

  7. Clever you -- and what a dream that is.. I like the choice of texture - prefectO!!

  8. I have BOTH kinds of dreams, too, Elizabeth! "'In the last days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.'" :)

  9. I enjoy your thoughtful reflections, Elizabeth! Always gives me good things to contemplate.
    Mary Alice

  10. Very well stated. Love how you separated dreams and DREAMS.

  11. Nothing can take away those prayers and dreams.

    P.S. My daughter has a love in her heart for Paris. This photo reminded me of her.

  12. Dreams are what can keep us motivated. I suppose you could also call it faith, because you can't see them, but we need to believe in them anyway.

    Someday I would like to travel the world and of course see Scotland as well.

    1. I hope you do get to see Scotland! Groupon had a great special on a trip there, but still too much for us right now.

  13. Looks like my comment got sucked into the abyss. I adore your dreams. The ones that are eternal and those that are temporal. I got to make a dream come true for my husband. I hope you get to Paris one day soon. I love that I know my God wants all my dreams to come true. Grace.

  14. I love how you differentiated between the two. I hadn't put them in categories, but you are exactly right. To keep that perspective keeps from making those dreams of the imagination master over you.

  15. As always, your photographic vignettes are so wonderful! They definitely tell a story.


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