
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Friday's Favs...I'm lovin' Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting!

The Hubs had a birthday this week!
Though he's watching his sugar intake, I still made him a birthday cake 
and he enjoyed a wee sliver of cake with some sugar free ice cream.
All the family came over for a roast beef birthday dinner and they enjoyed Papa's cake, too.

The recipe is one I've had for years.
It is supposed to be the recipe for the Cracker Barrel restaurant's carrot cake.
The batter has carrots, coconut, crushed pineapple, walnuts and raisins in it.
It's dense and moist and delicious...everything a carrot cake should be.
(The nuts and raisins are optional if you're not a fan, or have allergies.)

Of course carrot cake must be topped with delicious cream cheese frosting!
I was afraid a single batch wouldn't be enough so I made a double batch of frosting.
There's a lot left over...looks like I'll be making the grandkids some cupcakes soon!

I also made a whole batch and another half batch of the carrot cake recipe. 
 I wanted the nine inch cake pans to be nice and full.  
It made enough for a small loaf pan cake as well as two nicely full nine inch rounds.
You can see that the cake is nice and tall in the photos below.

If you are a carrot cake fan,  I hope you give this recipe a try!
It's a keeper!

Here is the original single batch recipe.

Carrot Cake:
3/4 cup finely chopped walnuts
2 cups finely shredded carrots (I shred mine in the food processor)
1- 8 oz. can crushed pineapple with the juice
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup raisins soaked in hot water until plump, then drained
1 1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
3 eggs
3 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon salt

Whisk together dry ingredients.
In mixer bowl beat oil, sugars, vanilla and eggs until smooth and fluffy.
Add pineapple, walnuts, coconut, carrots and raisins and blend well.
Add dry ingredients and mix until blended well.
Pour into a greased and floured 9x13 pan or 2 - 8 or 9 inch round pans.
Bake at 350 for 40-50 minutes or until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean.
When completely cool frost with cream cheese frosting.

Cream Cheese Frosting:
8 oz. cream cheese
1/2 cup butter ( one stick)
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups powered sugar

Soften cream cheese and butter until room temperature.
Beat with mixer until light and fluffy.
Add vanilla and powdered sugar a little at a time until frosting is light and fluffy.

Well, it's almost Friday, friends!
Have a HAPPY, HAPPY Friday
and a BLESSED weekend!

I'm Lovin' It at TidyMomvintage inspiration button              1aaadoveladygfairy006

Shabby Art Boutique                
Adorned From Above

Also linking to Jennifer Rizzo's Fabulously Creative Friday


  1. Oh! Now you are speaking my love language! Carrot cake is my favorite. :)

  2. ... and YES to double the frosting!



  3. Oh my goodness, what I would give for a piece of carrot cake right now! What a yummy one you made your hubby! Thanks for the very sweet comments on my blog this week!

  4. I love carrot cake but have only baked one. Yours looks great. Hmmm, might make one for Easter. :) I loved your post yesterday too!! I can relate. My daughter is coming to visit so I have all my meals planned and will be baking cookies later. :) Great photos too! :)

  5. I love a good carrot cake.. I use pineapple in mine..I am not a fan of cream cheese icing except on carrot cake.. love it! Happy B-day to your hubby. Blessings!

  6. Carrot cake is my very favorite dessert.
    It is hard to find a good recipe for it...thank
    you for sharing yours. I love the photo's...the cake looks
    absolutely scrumptious!
    I stand with Israel too!!!!!

  7. YUMMY!!! Looks pretty too!
    Mary Alice

  8. One of my favorite cakes is carrot cake! Yours sounds like the one my mother-in-law used to make. It was delicious! Happy Birthday to your hubby. I celebrated my 56th last week! :)

    By the way, this is my first visit to your blog. And, I'll be back for sure.


  9. I made two of these in the last month for birthday requests. It's one of my favorite cakes. Your photo of it makes me want another piece!

  10. What a beautiful cake. I'm a juicer. Every morning when I add the carrots to the juicer and see that pulp get pushed into the waste container, I think, "man, I should make carrot cake." but, that what defeat the whole purpose of juicing, wouldn't it.

  11. Not a good idea to read this post right before going to bed!! I am not going to be able to sleep thinking about that yummy carrot cake. Hope Pastor had a good day!!

  12. In an oddball twist, I hate carrots more than any single food on the planet yet I LOVE carrot cake. I just pinned this one. (I am positive, btw, that I pin more from this blog than any other single source. You have no idea how many applications of that wooden crate of yours I have saved for inspiration.)

    Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your husband!

  13. I have a very similar recipe with whole wheat flour I haven't made for years - this made me want to pull out the recipe. Your husband is a year ahead of me. May this coming year be very blessed for him, and of course, for you! I always love your photos... xxoo

  14. My DIL said she was going to make a carrot cake for my birthday. This is decorated so prettily.

  15. Looks delish and your decorating is so sweet! I bet every bite was loved! Hope you can stop by the enchanted oven.

  16. Oh yes,, carrot cake is our favorite around here.. I only bake it when I know family or friends are here to eat it up..because I could eat the whole CAKE..

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