
Saturday, February 2, 2013

Guest Post on My Freshly Brewed Life...

One of the biggest blessings about blogging is "meeting" other Jesus followers.
Barbie is one of my Jesus loving "blog friends".  
She blogs over at My Freshly Brewed Life.
Today, I'm honored to be her Inspired Blogger.
I'd be delighted if you'd pop on over to Barbie's place.
 Maybe you'll find out a little something about me you didn't know before!
(And I bet you'll find out that Barbie's place on the web is a place you'll want to visit again as well!)

Still following,


  1. ... the design of your header is simply sweet, wonderfully compelling ...


  2. Blessings Elizabeth,

    I came to meet you from Barbie's blog and bookmarked and added you to my Google Reader to follow along!

    First off, I'm so glad and thankful that your little miracle granddaughter was/is OK! Praise God! May He keep her and all your loved ones protected and safe as you all serve the Lord.

    It's a pleasure to meet you and I enjoyed looking around your blog. What really caught my interest and I visited also EXODUS ROAD (and bookmarked too) was "I BLOG FOR RESCUE" [something very dear and close to my heart and service (which I share more when I'm able at my MISSION blog rather than my regular one)] I'd like to know more about this and how you help. Just by getting the word out? So I'll be watching particularly for these... Have a blessed week!

    Peace and love in Christ,


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