
Friday, February 8, 2013

Isaiah 30:15...

This verse is the perfect word picture of TRUST, (which happens to be my word for 2013).
After all, isn't trust returning to God and
resting in Him with quiet confidence that everything that concerns you is in His capable hands?
Unfortunately, I've too often done the opposite.
I've pulled away from Him instead of turning to Him.
Instead of resting I've tried to fix things, to figure and work things out,  on my own.
Instead of being quiet I've hashed my problems out with anyone with a listening ear, 
when I should be talking to God and leaving my problems in His hands.
I've too often, been anything but quiet and anything but confident.
I'm choosing to change that.
I'm choosing to return to Him, to draw near.
I'm choosing to rest instead of fretting and fighting and figuring things out.
I'm choosing to be quiet, to talk less and pray more.
I'm choosing to confidently trust Him.

Still following

Scripture and Snapshot


  1. I've always found such comfort in that verse.

  2. The 4-line chorus of this song came to my mind while reading your post. "Trusting" is a life-long exercise, I think. "Oh, for grace to trust Him MORE!"

    Sometimes life seems like words and music
    That can't quite become a song
    So we cry and sigh then we try again
    And wonder what could be wrong
    But when we turn to the Lord at the end of ourselves
    Like we've done a time or two before
    We find His truth is the same as it's always been
    We never will need more

    He's all we need for our every need
    We never need be alone
    Still He'll let us go if we choose to
    To live life on our own
    Then the only good that will ever be said
    Of the pains we find ourselves in
    They are places to gain the wisdom to say
    I'll never leave Him again

    It's not in trying but in trusting
    It's not in running but in resting
    Not in wondering but in praying
    That we find the strength of the Lord

  3. Yes.
    How beautiful, the photo with the verse!
    Sweet blessing on your trusting!

  4. "tis so sweet to trust in Jesus...."


  5. I have long loved this scripture
    yes, He is our rest
    and I sense Him in the stillness here

  6. Trust also helps make our perspective on the eternal.
    Beautiful, Elizabeth!

  7. Elizabeth this scripture and your words speak to me....lovely (and convicting!)

  8. Beautiful vision of trust. Thank you for sharing.

  9. I love this verse. He calls me to be still, to not worry or fret, and remain confident in the fact that He is God and His purposes will prevail!

  10. Good choices. :)

    I love that verse, and I can imagine myself sitting right by that water--can almost hear the waves.

  11. love . love . your sweet, inspirint header photo!


  12. I feel like I can hear the waves... This pictures makes me feel very ... at peace.

  13. You captured this verse perfectly with that picture!

  14. Great choice! Too often, we try to figure things out when GOD has already worked things out. In the face of adversity, it can be hard to trust in HIM instead of our own might.

  15. I do the same thing...when I need to be trusting and listening the most, I try to do it all on my own. Maybe some day I will learn that HE has it all planned out and knows what is best for me :) Thank you for sharing that beautiful picture and wonderful verse!

  16. Interesting you should use the phrase 'draw near' because that is what I have been choosing to do over past months. Every time I'm reminded, I draw near. Choosing to let Him work out the details instead of me mulling them over and over.

    His Spirit draws us near.. and it's lovely to think of Him working in each of us in similar ways.

    Blessings.... and wishes for glimpses of heaven in unexpected places.

  17. Lovely picture - I love Jesus Calling - every morning - a great way to start my day.
    Last year was my year of Trust - this year LIVE.
    Inviting you to link to Stillness Sundays.

  18. Wonderful verse, wonderful photo, but the explanation on your part, fits much stronger into my lifestyle, too. We're MUCH alike!!! [Good ways, too, though.]

  19. I can imagine walking along the shore quietly with that view. Beautiful! I want to fix things, too, but am stepping out this week trusting Him completely.

  20. Joining you in the effort to less, pray more. Serene photo beauty!

  21. Joining you in this choice!
    This year God has led me to "Be Still" as my word(s) for the year....and this verse fits perfectly in that, as well!


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