
Sunday, February 24, 2013


He's the same God, yesterday, today and forever, and He still does miracles! 
The Hubs, my daughter and son-in-law, and the team arrived safely back from Ghana on Friday, 
It was a trip filled with miracles:

the team-
 7 people from our church and 5 engineers, 12 people, some who had never met each other before, 
but who went through two weeks of unforeseen obstacles in the project,
 more hours without power and running water than with,
 in horribly hot and humid, dusty and dirty conditions, 
and yet they got along fabulously and made the best of every delay, every struggle, every situation

the obstacles-
-our shipment of supplies for the project was held up by red tape at the port for almost a week creating a delay for the team in getting started, yet they were still able to complete the project
-the well, not dug to specs by the well digger we hired and who was not willing to rectify the situation, 
so it was not producing enough water for the project,
then prayer and the next day when they measured the water had miraculously risen above and beyond expectations

So, for you who read here about the project and who prayed,
God heard and answered!
Thank you and thank God!

In 2012 I followed the prompts in Ann Voskamp's Joy Dare in counting my thanks.
In 2013 I'm going back to the way I did it in the beginning,
just noticing and recording the many extraordinary blessings in my ordinary life.
And so I continue to count my thanks
piling up gratitude day by day
in my little black journal.
(and capturing some of them via my camera or iPhone)

-fun President's Day off with my oldest and youngest daughters and all four grands at the outlet mall

-cute new Easter dresses for the two youngest granddaughters
-the grands love of rice and beans when we went out for Mexican food for lunch

-driving home the back way down country roads

-a good night's sleep
-beautiful morning as I drove the two oldest grands to school
-sweet phone call from the Hubs

-another beautiful morning drive
-the feeling of the breeze in my hair on my walk/run and the feeling of a few achey muscles too

-the Hub's voice on the phone on his daily call from Ghana
-lunch with my brother at my favorite middle eastern restaurant-good food and great conversation
-jumping rope with the grands
-the grands help cleaning the house

-getting the house deep cleaned
 -leading a new Precept study on the book of Ruth

-Wendy's Frosties with the grands on the way home from church
-oldest granddaughter's good grades in Latin at her new school

-safe trip home from Ghana for the team
-the Hubs and I, together again
-good heart conversation with him
-dinner with the family at Red Robin, (except the youngest who had to work)

-a big Saturday morning breakfast together

-quiet time with Bible and journal in my home office

-hot chocolate in one of my favorite cups

-hearing the team share about the Ghana trip at church
-lunch out at oldest granddaughter's favorite place-Old Spaghetti Factory
-a Sunday afternoon nap (is there anything better?)

Gratefully yours,


  1. God is so good. I am so thankful that the project got completed. It is encouraging to read about that and your pleasant moments with your family members. It is good to read good news after being blasted by bad news in the media.

    1. God's up to good things, in spite of what the news would have us believe!

  2. thanks for following on instagram, and popping by my blog. When I read posts like this, I always feel there is more I can do in this world. Thanks for reminding me!


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