
Monday, February 25, 2013

More spring touches...

Nothing new going on here...

 except that my anticipation of spring is popping up in more places here and there.

"I glanced out the window at the signs of spring. 
The sky was almost blue, the trees were almost budding, the sun was almost bright.” 
― Millard KaufmanBowl of Cherries

So, are signs of spring popping up around you, too?

Still following,



  1. The daffodils have not only popped up but are now sprouting buds. Personally, I love it! Your pics are gorgeous, love each of your vignettes.


  2. The lovely touches in your home give me hope for spring!


  3. Well hello Elizabeth. I am visiting you via the weekend blog hop over at I am so blessed to find you here. I have just finished reading your about page, and I am loving these pics too. I seriously need to start adding more to my world.

    Nice to meet you.

    * Add your site to to link up. *

  4. We're about to have some of the coldest days we've had all winter here over the next week or so. So ready for spring!

  5. I love your touches of Spring. Wherever did you find those sweet speckled eggs?

    1. Adrienne, the faux eggs are from years ago, but I've actually seen them at some Targets and the craft type stores.

  6. Oh! I love those pink flowers in the twig basket. What are they?

    I assume those are faux eggs? I love the robin's egg blue ones, especially. Pretty vignettes.

    Happy almost spring, Elizabeth!

    1. I think the flowers are some sort of day lily, but I'm not sure. They were a Valentine flower delivery from the Hubs.

  7. Hi happy I popped in today!
    It's rainy and cold but your post sure warmed it up a bit for me! I just love the photo with the crock like mine, going to pin so I can look at it often!
    Take care!!

  8. Hello! Love your website and simple ideas!
    Homa style is having an Inspire Me link party that just started!
    I would love it if you linked up:)
    Here's the link

    I do my best to market the inspiring projects through my social media sites and follow too:)

  9. Such beautiful touches of spring around your house! I too am anticipating spring... although I hear snow flurries are in our forecast this weekend!

  10. Your Tonka truck is precious! I came across a couple today when I stumbled upon an antique market (because I took a wrong exit). I should have gotten one of them and filled them with pretty Spring eggs like you did! Maybe I should go back for it . . .


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